Monday, March 26, 2007

Been a long while

It has been a long while...

There were so many things work family.

Was it a omen for more crisis to happen - that putting a Medicine Buddha mandala in the centre of the house in the 3 houses were not sufficient to ward off the illness star...

Things like this are always a rude reminder in our frantic lives that we live in the world of chaos..of mathematical probabilities which are infinite...each move spans billions of endings..that we are mere nothings in the grand scheme of things.

Are we like what Seth who coached Jane Roberts, said merely travellers in a certain plane of existence..that what we are going through-life that but a momentary experience in the cosmic journey?

Well...if so...make the most of this brief time...learn to see past other's shortcomings...learn to rejoice in the goodness however little in others.

For myself... the happiness comes from my nuclei family..Wabe and Yang Kee...2 angels who light up my life in the darkest path of my life.

Ode to these 2 wonderful wonderful angels :)
