Friday, May 09, 2008

Exams Over!!!

Wednesday...Yang came home with a big grin ... this is the end of the exams..his first.

One of the many he will have to go thru - but for now...tis play was wonderful to see him relaxed and we indulged him in his requests...the last few weeks were quite intense for him.

Results - preliminary from his teachers are back.

Math: 70
English: 79
Chinese: 85

Perhaps not the standard parents go gag-ga over..but in my heart, I rejoiced and celebrated with Yang over them. For tomorrow and ever, he has conquered his nemesis - this is a small celebration - so he has managed to stay afloat in P1 while having a incredible childhood of pure extra lessons etc.

God be praised and may He continue to bless Yang.


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Yang's Progress

These few weeks has been a trying time for little Yang.

Tuition after school...tuition after swimming..I think he never has been so driven before...

The results are kinda encouraging...the Nan Hua papers I gave him for Maths was 86% and 76% for English..

Perhaps this is not entirely typical of Singaporean parents but I am actually very pleased.

For one who was almost deemed to have dsylesia - to achieve this in the space of less than 5 months is very good - IMHO.

Moving forward, the pace will be quicker and perhaps then we can talk about setting higher goals..but one step at a time ok? :)

One incident affected me greatly...Yang was telling me last week that the post of monitor was vacant after the current one was sacked for being naughty. He told me he wanted to try for it.
There was this glint in his eyes which betrayed his ambitious heart - something latent like Wabe.
But 3 day ago, I asked him again - he told me "My studies are so poor - I am afraid I cannot be a monitor".
I told him firmly that a leader is not one who has good grades but one who is kind and disciplined - who knows how to help the teacher maintain order.

I hope he gains a lesson there... in the journey of life - he has to learn this lesson several times again ..

Hm....1 last day of exam tomorrow for Yang !!! Already planning toys...excursions...etc...such is the life of children...

