Thursday, October 23, 2008

Famous in Beijing

Convinced an art exhibtion in Beijing to create an art piece outta my N95 family picture :)
Now the Ang Family is famous...heh heh

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


It has been 2 years or so since I last visited this place. A bit more experienced ... a bit more jaded...
Nelson has left Oracle and there is no more Oracle kakis around.

I am leading the technical solution team now and the responsibility is begining to weigh a bit .. gone are the carefree days..But the work is rewarding...I am so proud of the work done so far by the team... Architecture Team - JIA YOU!!

Anyway, hope Yang can buck up - he ALWAYS slacks when I am away...hope he will be ok..
Bee is so worried - it's high time she learn how to handle Yang....

Anyway, they will be coming this Friday..will bring Wabe and Yang to eat all the nice food and see all the nice places...and of for the little Yang:)

Bye for now...gotta go review the work...adios...
