Thursday, March 25, 2010

A parable of a man's clothes.

Once there lived a man who was happy go lucky and liked to go about bare bodied.
In summer, he ran about in the glorious sunshine whilst in winter he stayed snug inside his parents' cottage - enjoying hot food.
One day, he saw a beautiful shirt and was attracted to its' intricate design and wanted to buy it - believing it will enhance his look and increase his happiness.
His parents pointed out that the material was coarse although colorful but the man was adamant.
He bought the shirt and instantly wore it. The material made him itch but he ignored it and went gaily about showing it to all his friends.
During summer, when the sun bear down on the man, the shirt made him all itchy and uncomfortable. During winter when the cold came - the shirt did not help the man withstand the cold. However, the man treasured the shirt and took care of it carefully - mending it when it was torn and keeping it safe.
One day, a rogue came and stole the shirt from the man whilst he was sleeping.
When he discovered the theft, the man was heartbroken but unknowingly, his itch disapeared and he once again took to the streets with a bounce in his stride...

Let he who has ears let him hear...
