Sunday, January 29, 2006

CNY 2006


Today is the culumination of the efforts the past weeks to prepare for this day.
All seemed to flash past so fast...I ended up wondering if the effort is worth it. Well, it pretty well darn WORTH it.
Adherence to the traditions might seem a chore but the "togetheress" in doing the prepartion goes a long way in bonding the family. At the end of the day, it is the family that counts. What I did not enjoy as a child, I certainly hope Yang would learn and feel the toasty feeling of being in a knitted family.


Check out the handsome pair *GRIN* Posted by Picasa

Family portrait .... all of us decked in glittering new year spendour! Posted by Picasa

And the pretty Wabe and handsome Yang! Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 27, 2006

CNY Eve!!!

Good tidings

Check out the new year decorations. The air is brimming with festivity and Wabe is busy packing the red packets while Yang is busy with his Ultraman buddies in where else but our cosy study again.

The house looks absolutely ready to rock for the new year. Well don't take my word for it - check it out yourself!! heh heh

"Sitting on the Year's Fortune" stance :) Posted by Picasa

Living room before the tatami makeover :) Posted by Picasa

Our kumquats for PROSPERITY in 2006!! Posted by Picasa


I will politely divert from the usual diary stuff and rant instead of a certain topic which troubled me greatly.

Whereforth the love of a mother?
The strong support of a father?
That whom is bore is yours to love and hold
Be it a menace or angel
it is your love .. your baby
Has Christ ever forsake us when we sinned?
Who are we to condemn a sinner - based on principles bored by our clouded mundane minds
The Lord said "Judge not and ye would not be judged"
Please take the plank out of your eyes before you rant on the speck of dust in your child

truly in the last days, He has said "fathers would turn against sons"
and truly the first seed of doubt has begun to germinate in me


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Clothes Dryer

It is funny how we gradually begin to ape the habits of the West as our lifestyle grows more affluent ... decadent....
Today marked our another step towards that lifestyle...we bought a clothes dryer. I remembered I used to think it will "waste electricity" etc. Well, on retrospect - if you think of the time drying them on cloths line etc - I guess I would rather spent the extra.

Wooo... nice warm fear of the elements more "Oh no the rain spoiled it...darn" - I guess I will be enjoying this wondeful bliss till the bill comes :)

Anyway, it will be soon have a happy properous year!


Sunday, January 22, 2006

Finally back home :)

Woke up early this morning - Zi Lin is coming back today!!

Yang as usual was grumpy and kept asking for 5 more minutes.... man we did ended up late to fetch a fuming Wabe.

Then it was straight to home to a refresher and then CHENG KEE for a sumptious meal as promised to Wabe.

A flower trip to Thomson netted us a pot of kumquat and a pot of chilli plant. Father in law had a friend who tipped us on 61 - a vague place which supposedly had lots of fresh flowers. Well what do you know, he was right!
More plants followed and the back of the Odeyssey was packed even with the last row folded!! Imagine that!

I remembered the last time we had such a great time buying was the good times of 98-99. I have a strong hunch this would be a great year and may health and prosperity be with all!

Then it was reunion time in grandmother in law house - very cosy was usual....but still missing a special twang..

Ok time to sleep - oh I forgot to add, Yang and myself will be decked in the traditional Chinese suit come CNY hehe. Cost me a bloody bomb in Yue Hua if I may add...nice materials though :) My OTE better be as great as my boss promised:)



Friday, January 20, 2006

Family Musings

On Leave

Well, today was a jolly good day. In the morning, I had breakfast with Jin Hen and he followed me to the car mechanic. Too bad I couldn't fetch him to the school as I had to rush home to send a mail. Hey I am on leave ! :)

Anyway, I took a LRT train and Bus 907 to Zoo with Yang and we had a great time :)

Now, we are back in our cosy study room in TECK WHYE and waiting for Zi Lin to come back.

Bye for now :)


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Family Musings

Day 2

Just fetched Yang to school. We called Zi Lin this morning - she sounded quite sad. No worries we tell her, it will be soon before she will be back this Sunday and we will off to a sumptious meal!
She don't like French food so I guess it will be a difficult time for her.

Later will go and buy Ultraman toy for Yang.


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Family Musings

Family Musings

Tomorrow Zi Lin is going to Paris on a business trip. Yang and myself will be missing her very much.

We will be there to fetch her when she returns next Sunday!