Sunday, January 22, 2006

Finally back home :)

Woke up early this morning - Zi Lin is coming back today!!

Yang as usual was grumpy and kept asking for 5 more minutes.... man we did ended up late to fetch a fuming Wabe.

Then it was straight to home to a refresher and then CHENG KEE for a sumptious meal as promised to Wabe.

A flower trip to Thomson netted us a pot of kumquat and a pot of chilli plant. Father in law had a friend who tipped us on 61 - a vague place which supposedly had lots of fresh flowers. Well what do you know, he was right!
More plants followed and the back of the Odeyssey was packed even with the last row folded!! Imagine that!

I remembered the last time we had such a great time buying was the good times of 98-99. I have a strong hunch this would be a great year and may health and prosperity be with all!

Then it was reunion time in grandmother in law house - very cosy was usual....but still missing a special twang..

Ok time to sleep - oh I forgot to add, Yang and myself will be decked in the traditional Chinese suit come CNY hehe. Cost me a bloody bomb in Yue Hua if I may add...nice materials though :) My OTE better be as great as my boss promised:)



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