Sunday, June 17, 2007

Do you believe in miracles?

Was due to be back on Sunday morning from Finland.

I arrived on Friday night though...Wabe had called me to try to make it back earlier.

Somehow the sense of dread is very real...I kept checking via sms with her when I transited at Frankfurt and when I arrived back in Singapore. Thankfully all was well then..

The trip to hospital ... Wai Por was faintly conscious but she looked very very frail..they had finally administered morphine.

Wabe said a fellow Buddhist has advised them that Wai Por's breathing pattern indicates the end might be near...she was breathing through her mouth...

Should she be moved back home? But there is no standby morphine machine..

The final decision was to risk bringing her home next morning - I had thought it might be otherwise... but I guess we are all thought was ... 12 hours vs an eternity of happiness..but .. I am in no position to comment..there are so much feelings and human emotions...

And then the miracles started....

I was driving Yang to visit her and the rest of them in the morning as Wabe has told us she will be moving back from hospital that morning and told us to wait in Wai Por's house direct.

As I drove out of the estate, Yang took out a picture of Buddha and started to sing the Medicine Buddha's sutra - repeatedly....
For some reason, the verses sounded very surreal .. it sounded of a child's innocence as it pays homage to Buddha...and for some strange reason, I felt this incredible sadness which I cannot explain as I drove.

10 minutes later, Wabe msg me as I neared Wai Por's house telling me she has passed away...For some reason, Wai Por managed to send this message to us that she is leaving and cannot wait for us already. I know 4th Uncle said if there is chanting when Wai Po passes on, she will reach to the Lotus Land. I hoped in a small way, Yang has helped Wai Por in this..

Tayetha Om Bengkanze BengKanze Tayetha Om....

I learned later that Wai Por managed to make it to her own house and within an hour, she passed on - and everyone can pray for her as planned. 2nd miracle.

The sky I remembered started to drizzle...creating a cool atmosphere..very pleasant is as if Wai Por knew we always found it hot in her house and is making it nice for us..3rd miracle.

Before her resting into the coffin, Wabe told me Wai Por's body did not suffer from any rigidness even though it was 10 hours since she passes on. In fact, I recalled she looked very serene as if she is sleeping even when we last saw her body during the funeral. 4th miracle.

So many miracles...4th Uncle's no pay leave ends next Friday...Wai Por's last day for the funeral has a major event the next day for multitudes of prayers scheduled for departed souls..etc etc.

The food tonight was sumptious...and in ABUNDANCE :) The noise and din was so LOUD:)
Exactly the way Wai Por would have liked it.

Yang asked me if he can still talk to Wai Por - who taught him Hokkien "Der ai kuai ar.." (You must be obedient..)

And for some moments, I could not control my emotions and did not answer him.

He seems to know and said Wai Por will hear us..and we can always call to her..

Years ago, when I was in my darkest period of my life when my own grandmother passed away..Wai Por asked the family to arrange a picnic for me and spoke to me not to be sad...I recalled being cheered and very very much appreciated that.

The time has come for me to show my gratitude and I have decided I will offer a joss stick for the first time in 20 years to this great person who is such a wonderful wonderful grandmother to my Wabe and "ah Chor" to my Yang..

Rest well and we will always remember you, Wai Por.


Saturday, June 09, 2007

Talk and God

How do we communicate these days?

Electronic means like this blog allows instant broadcast of information to all users.

In the old days, this type of data transfer depends on a very professional breed of people - the Gossip.


I find this strain of Gossip DNA still persist in this modern day - and man..words can indeed be sharper than any sword...

So is it idle mind that produce wicked thoughts? I think so.

Throw in a dash of insecurity - why don't you:)

But still, I think I will savour my reservist days memories - it is not worth to sully those fine times for the spat of a viper's tongue. ;-P

So what about God?

When we complain that Christians belittle you on your arrogant they are.. remember the world is round.

On this note, I will specifically use the Bible to quote:

"Judge not and ye would not be judged".

When a thief steals from you, he is guilty. If you steal back from him - you are a thief too. That's just the beauty of karma - and that is using Buddhist concept. :)

How one is saved for salvation is according to the doctrine of the path chosen.

Salvation on faith is not as simple as one thinks. Merely having the promise of salvation if one accepts Christ at death is not as simple as promoting wanton lifestyle and repenting before one dies.

Think about it. Do you know when you will die? :) The promise is like a marketing campaign - look out for the hidden truth:)

The same goes for the promise of Amida Buddha promise that calling his name in your last moments will ensure your rebirth in the lotus land.

This type of issues cannot be so easily resolved...

Basically, when you demand respect for something..make sure you can respect others too. I can....can you? :)
