Saturday, June 09, 2007

Talk and God

How do we communicate these days?

Electronic means like this blog allows instant broadcast of information to all users.

In the old days, this type of data transfer depends on a very professional breed of people - the Gossip.


I find this strain of Gossip DNA still persist in this modern day - and man..words can indeed be sharper than any sword...

So is it idle mind that produce wicked thoughts? I think so.

Throw in a dash of insecurity - why don't you:)

But still, I think I will savour my reservist days memories - it is not worth to sully those fine times for the spat of a viper's tongue. ;-P

So what about God?

When we complain that Christians belittle you on your arrogant they are.. remember the world is round.

On this note, I will specifically use the Bible to quote:

"Judge not and ye would not be judged".

When a thief steals from you, he is guilty. If you steal back from him - you are a thief too. That's just the beauty of karma - and that is using Buddhist concept. :)

How one is saved for salvation is according to the doctrine of the path chosen.

Salvation on faith is not as simple as one thinks. Merely having the promise of salvation if one accepts Christ at death is not as simple as promoting wanton lifestyle and repenting before one dies.

Think about it. Do you know when you will die? :) The promise is like a marketing campaign - look out for the hidden truth:)

The same goes for the promise of Amida Buddha promise that calling his name in your last moments will ensure your rebirth in the lotus land.

This type of issues cannot be so easily resolved...

Basically, when you demand respect for something..make sure you can respect others too. I can....can you? :)


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