Friday, July 27, 2007

Loan Cleared! And new hobby.

It is so wonderful...whilst the rest of Singapore are going crazy speculating with houses ... I went and redeemed my car loan and now MY HONDA IS TRULY MINE:) Even the log book is ORIGINAL :P
heh heh
Also, renovation loan with Wabe's company also ended. :)

The feeling of almost debt free is SO EXHILARATING :)

Few more years and even our house will be cleared ... WOO HOO!!

Bonus in Sep:) My god, this feels like the old days of dotcom .... BUT! lest we grew overconfident, remember the days of yore...

Economic cycle is shorter these days...we cannot depend on IR everything...

Truly the richest man is one who owes nothing and yearns nothing :)

Let me see if I am ultimately right....

BTW: Mountain biking is REALLY FUN.....will update more..


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