Saturday, January 05, 2008

New Year 2008

It's been a while since this blog has been updated.

Much has happened since the last update ...

Let me categorized the salient points.

1) Kee passed out from Kinderland to CCK Primary One - much to be said about it later...
2) I have bought the new Honda Odyssey Absolute - pics to follow...
3) A memorable trip to Genting and KL ... pic and stories to follow..
4) I won a quality award for work in Nokia..heh heh... getting a free internet tablet as reward.
5) We are going to khng our house again..this time transforming our masterbedroom to a mega big one by combining 2 toilets and 2 rooms...equipped with state of art jacuzzi, toilet TV, walk in ward-robe and automatic blinds..heh heh. Talk about crouching tiger and hidden dragon. :)

What else...the details will have to wait...but I just want to make sure the main gist is there...

Happy New Year everyone. Be smart not stupid :)

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