Sunday, July 27, 2008


The exam is finally over - I am - barring any complications in the exam grading - a certified enterprise architect..

a sense of emptiness tinged with sadness - the team members who gathered during this 5 weeks - we will depart again like nameless travellers in the journey of life.

the weekend was lazy...i managed to change a shower stand - which feels mighty good to me - better than if i had coded a fancy piece of now i am a handy man:)

listening to corrine may's songs...she is a great singer...she make worship to God so sincere in her songs.

i was helping yang to bathe - and was amazed how much he has grown...

my son

when we first met, you were looking me straight in the eye
well welcome to the world, champion
with every smile, our hearts will rejoice
with every step, our love will grow
with every cry, our eyes will tear
with every kiss, we will melt...

you will grow as with all youngs
all your adventures you will embark
all the friends you will know
all the places you will see
but always know our home is always open
for you to come back to

for now, i treasure the times i picked you from school
when you always have to have mummy and me to accompany you to toilet and what not
when you decide you are brave enough
we will be so happy and yet so sad

i feel pride when you defend your friends against bully
when you spoke out for little insects...
but i worry also if you will be labelled in future in the real world.

when you are grown and have your family
you must remember mummy and papa
remember to love your kids just as we have given all our love to you.

From papa and mummy.

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