Friday, November 07, 2008

Beijing Photo - Weekend Over

Over the last weekend, Yang and Bees came over to join me in Beijing.. Pictures will tell the thousand enjoy :)
Yang and I even swam in the indoor heated pool in Swissotel with a hotel attendant guarding us...nobody it was like we are emperor and prince wallowing in the palace..haha

The first buffet breakfast we managed to con the hotel...for free:P

Entrance to the Great Wall..

Affer the grandola, we are about to become 好汉 by climbing the 长城.

Wabe also is 好汉 !

Before the great climb!

Comtemplative mood .. imagining thousands of years ago..Chinese border soldiers were looking thru the same window..

Aha! Yang is officially a 好汉 !!

Me too!

After a tiring climb, some roasted chestnuts felt so good in the chilly mountain!

Kee brandishing his sword in the Ming tomb.

Fruit SAN CHA! Kee loves the fruit which incidentally also is one of his favorite sweets.

A massage at Bodhi Place...well recommended by almost all Nokians..

One of the 2 famous places for Peking Duck..Da Dong..the other is jingjude..which they say is not suitable for Singaporean taste.

A joyous scene outside the Tian Tan.

A attempted visual photography :P

Kee and Wabe at Tian Tan.

Mother and Son - such natural smiles:)

Father and son - bonding at its best :)

Wabe looking radiant in her smile..too bad the flash did not work as well:P

The Echo didn't managed to verify this myself..

Kee in his Bob the Builder guise.
the morning when Bee and Kee left for airport...3 new big bags full of stuff from Ya Siu..hahaha

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