Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Addition to the family

It's taken almost a month - but I did not have the time to write on the latest addition to the family - Lucky the Pug :)

It was something which I did not expect Wabe to accede to but I reckoned she wants Kee to have some companionship - for my part I am a bit apprehensive due to my previous experiences with dogs...the mess...smell etc

It started with a drive after prayer to grandmother-in-law to PS in the East. It was a pleasant drive and i got my Nokia GPS to work beautifully..and then we reached the farm.

the first enclosure was the pugs and Lucky (we didn't named him then) was prancing up and down and Kee and I were instantly connected...perhaps it's fate / karma etc but it felt right - can't put the feeling anymore clearly than that :)

3 plus k later - laden with cage food etc...we went home - a brand new frontier in Life's voyage!

Wabe outdid herself - the balcony was converted to a neat doggy's place and Lucky was already TOILET TRAINED! haha either he is high IQ for a dog or they trained him well ...I like to think the former:)

Kee was tasked on evening's poop takeout and washing - he is quite diligent in those and I hope he learns something from it.

I saw the average pug is around 9 plus kg - Lucky is only 2 plus now (maybe 3 now?) - he will be a fit tough PUG if Wabe don't spoil him with food too much :)

Onward ! The family embraces a new member and bravely sets forth the Sea Of Dog Ownership :)


Friday, April 03, 2009

Victory! + some car thrills:P

After 4 months of tough negotiations with the Finland management team, the China team has won the battle - for my area..it was a quiet victory over the chief architects etc ..I wonder if I won the battle but could lose the war..shrugs...one thing at a time, I recalled Wabe's book - one of the Gung Ho method was called "Gift of the Goose". It talks about how geese called out encouragement to one another over their long journey...it means we celebrate every small victory...clap clap..toast for myself...I got as a result 2 assistants and 1 more to hire...so I reckon this is worth a WAHEI!

Next week, I am going to attend a Uni of Liverpool seminar for a Masters..it is going to cost me 22k usd...no sponser...dunno whether worth it but for my future plan as a poly lecturer in 50s...maybe worth it :P

AND, since Wabe allowed me to buy a boxing bag with REAL gloves and a small car upgrade of filter..I decided I will also reward her..

I felt bad when she dared not take the "replica" LV bag to her off-site meetings..I felt she deserved more ... so I told her I will get her a branded bag and watch..it will be a belated 10th year anniversary gift...but she deserve everything..so thanks for you , Wabe...

PS: Kee will not get toys for the next 1 year ... heh heh