Saturday, February 18, 2006

New Offer

New path

It was with some trepidation on the day - 15th Feb 2006 that the whole Siebel office waited in the boardroom for our fate.
The Oracle HR have given us a brief on their benefits - not too bad! Things are getting rosy!
But what about the $$...
One by one, we were called and given our letter..
Praise be with God! My base and OTE remains unchanged!!
With this, all the months of uneasy uncertainty ended... of course some did not made goes of the jungle..

And thus ended my relationship with Siebel ... I remembered when I was still a rookie just 3 years after my DSTA days, travelling to US ... driving on 106...going to mega malls...that was pretty awesome to me then.
I recalled being extremely alien to the concept of even conference calls then..haha
And who can forget the heady days of the stock options....
and it has accepted me ....3 times back ..
And now itself, it has returned to its roots...when 14 years ago, in a little laboratory in Oracle, a ambitious man decided to strike it out on his own and created a legacy.

With that, I salute you "Siebel" and thank you for everything.


Saturday, February 11, 2006

Transition to parent company

Reading the oracle

I have to ask you to excuse the pun on the heading :) I'd rather not get sued on using my new company's name ..heh heh

The gods have gathered last week and hath spoken - puny mortals like yours truly can only meekly await our fate on 15th this month when the celestial decree will point to our fates - damn...they better not adjust my base ....mutter mutter

Well on the other hand, I can always look on the bright side - consolidation is a finality in the software world and the most important thing is you lean with the winners.... I'd like to think the big O is a big winner - afterall the 2nd biggest sofware company tag in the world is quite a feat.

It will be a different ball game and I have to step up to another level - this is necessary and thus brook no discussions or whinings. It has to be done - time has to be sacrificed - more work need to be done. Just do it.

On a lighter note, I have begin to train Yang on the academic stuff.. setting goals and all. The trick is to set goals for Yang as well as myself. Objective - to read a ladybird book by end year and add and subtract. Let's have a checkpoint this Dec. If this is achieved - I will get Yang a trip to Tokyo Disneyland and myself a set of Joy irons.. heh heh

Alright, need to go.


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Back to Reality

Work Work Work

After the euphoria of the last few days, it was a bit of chore getting back to the momentum again.
Lots of catching up - got a 38 bucks hong bao from the company which is not that bad.
Emailed customers and kept abreasts of all the happenings.

Oooo....merger to finalized and confirmed this week so I will probably know the results next week.

Hope the big O doesn't cut our base.... that would be a shame.
