Saturday, February 11, 2006

Transition to parent company

Reading the oracle

I have to ask you to excuse the pun on the heading :) I'd rather not get sued on using my new company's name ..heh heh

The gods have gathered last week and hath spoken - puny mortals like yours truly can only meekly await our fate on 15th this month when the celestial decree will point to our fates - damn...they better not adjust my base ....mutter mutter

Well on the other hand, I can always look on the bright side - consolidation is a finality in the software world and the most important thing is you lean with the winners.... I'd like to think the big O is a big winner - afterall the 2nd biggest sofware company tag in the world is quite a feat.

It will be a different ball game and I have to step up to another level - this is necessary and thus brook no discussions or whinings. It has to be done - time has to be sacrificed - more work need to be done. Just do it.

On a lighter note, I have begin to train Yang on the academic stuff.. setting goals and all. The trick is to set goals for Yang as well as myself. Objective - to read a ladybird book by end year and add and subtract. Let's have a checkpoint this Dec. If this is achieved - I will get Yang a trip to Tokyo Disneyland and myself a set of Joy irons.. heh heh

Alright, need to go.


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