Saturday, June 24, 2006

Best Of Luck

During the last week, EDB finally went live ... after 1.5 years...this is really unbelieveable. It is finally done...and I hope this is a testimony of the great struggle I had with this account - it bespoke of the titanic efforts I took to bring this relationship around.

Still, when one door closes, another opens...the next target is Tata Sky and I have greater heights built on the account - the potential is greater and I want to make it a stepping stone to greater heights. Perhaps this is what the astrologist said about my opening step to success...funny how this year I have awakened my old I am gunning for bigger rewards.

I realised I have always taken family as an excuse for my laziness..I now think it is possible to be a ideal husband/father and also a great career.

Anyway, today I had the best specs was a bit bent after I slept on it yesterday night..and I took it to my optician in Orchard ..guess what he has a EXACT pair which he sent back after he discovered a small scratch in my now I have a new pair..heh heh...
Japanese QA never failed to impress me....that was 1000 bucks worth of spec anyway..heh heh

These few days I had MC for 2 days for my wisdom tooth and it was great rest days after the grilling EDB upgrade.

So now signing off...


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