Monday, June 12, 2006

JC & Val Wedding

JC & Val got married yesterday.

The last few weeks of frantic preparations have not disappointed - the thing was a big success IMHO :)

Starting with the convoy of Mit Lancers (22!) to the dressing up of the dinner and stuff.

I'd rate it a good one :)

Here's wishing them a harmonious marriage!!

So there's that - it seemed only yesterday we first saw Valerie and then during the initial JB trips when we spoken on the wedding, it was like so far away. Goodness and now it is over...time really flies.

Life indeed is a funny thing as Margaret Thatcher once commented to LKY.

So anyway, back to seems England decided not to be to risky and managed only a 1-0 win over Portugal - bloody hell...I lost 120 for that.

Wait till my new plasma...hey!!! SAY SAY SAY!!!

*Music aka Hard Gay*...ole ole ole!

I almost forgot - I am getting the 42 inch...double HDMI..PC input 10000:1 contrast etc etc Panasonic plasma this Friday :)

so maybe when it comes, I will bet somemore. Maybe on Brazil - I got to buy 2 Brazil shirts for me and Yang..dont think Wabe will be too interested...!

So wait for Friday for the next episode of Sam gets his PLASMA and win World Cup bets :D

Signing off..


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