Friday, September 22, 2006

My first watch

I finally did it :) I bought the Omega Seamaster 300M Automatic - it feels so ... complete ..heh heh

And what did you know? Oracle shares shot up 2 dollars in a night!! essentially means my new watch is free! WOO HOO!!

Told you the wonders of money right...WOO HOO!!

Yang got a fever last night and we suspected a viral - Dr Low confirmed it - saying it probably emptied out in the bowel movement...thanks goodness!! Today he feels ok...probably grinning and smirking that he got a off day today...ah well...I can emphatise with that :P

Wabe will be off a few trips soon..pity we cant have a short trip before I start work... well I can probably go for some golf ... hey I just realized with my weight training and static 7 iron has leaped to average 130m! that's 30m more!!

And in time, just that day when I was playing in Executive Golf, I was joined by an ang mo and a cocky chinese guy. Keep asking me when I started playing come carry a Sunday bag ... (I only brought a 3 and 7 iron, pitcher and putter).

When I screwed my firt tee ...he keep gloating with his ang mo fren..."Show us your best shot!"...

I just grinned and asked them how long they have played...since 94...WOw guys must be pros! I said.

The ang mo took shot...the ball ROLLED beautifully......haha

"That's one way of reaching the hole .." I commented grinning.

The chinese guy took his 3 woods...and whacked...not too bad...

I took a 3 iron and whacked pass his shot by 20 feet.

BANZAI!!! lucky shot:P...but I proceed to whack their asses off during the 9 hole.

Hmm....maybe I should go and take my handicap...I might actually have it now!! heh heh

Ok ..time to sign off..

MORAL of Story: Never underestimate the guy with a 20 dollars Sunday bag and you with the PING and CALLIWAY sets.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The interest in the car stuff is dwindling...I had a feel of Yak's WRX on Wed...sad to say...I do not think I am suited to the turbo engine....the sudden acceleration is too forceful...can feel the head being jerked backwards... I do not think this is a safe car for normal drivers...

Was speaking to the mechanic..he said the driver of a CRV reverted the turbo after 3 days...said it was too fast...guess this confirms it...not all of us are destined turbo drivers. :(

Since I cannot proceed to the best of breed, might as well give up...but it was a good experience:)

Had a intense workout on Tue...till now can feel the muscles burning still like I am having fever..

Today must rest... for body to recover...


Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I am in a foul mood....some idiot( may he constipate for 3 days!) has banged into the side of my mean heart ached to see the dent and paint work...

Oh curse the fool ! Bloody bloody fool...

I mourned the damage by bowing in silence for 15 secs in front of the car.

Thankfully, it still roared to life with the VTEC manner.

Hmm... well MAYBE this is a sign that God wants me to khng my car more?

BUT I just found my RA6's model dont have legal exhaust (#$#$%$#)...

Body kit is expensive...saw the Wald's set...2k plus...Mugen is 3 k plus

Bloody ex...maybe i will just ask the mechanic to hammer back and touch up...hmmm...I can tell people..those are scars from battling the Forrestors?!

Ok ...that's it...I will do just that...pray I dont get tempted tomorrow and add a body kit...Wabe will kill me...

Mr Yak said there is a Blitz is too tempting..

Better go sleep.


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Thanks Ah Ya Kor! Posted by Picasa

Spider Yang is diving into the deep to battle the bullies to save mei mei ! Posted by Picasa

Spider Yang leaps up - he is every vigilant... Posted by Picasa

Oh no, mei mei is bullied ... where is Spider Yang? Posted by Picasa

With Spider Yang's great power comes great responsibility - he is protecting the Ang household. :) Posted by Picasa

My amateur attempt at special effects in photograhy :) Posted by Picasa

Should I or should I not venture to the water ? Posted by Picasa

Zoo Trip - the 3 kids :) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 09, 2006

New Job

I just deleted what I wrote earlier...gushing about the new job perks and all..

The material gains need to be tempered by humility and compassion still. Never never lose sight of the ability to laugh at oneself and the willingness to give without expectation.

Even the Bible says, "The meek shall inherit the earth."

Funny thing about this "giving" idea.... I found so many times... (it's scary) that when I give (usually on the monetary aspects) to others without any hint of expecting to be repaid (this is very important...normally if I have some hidden agenda, like expecting to be repaid gets screwed), somehow...just somehow I am rewarded many times over..

Trust me... just make sure you do it out of sincerity - you will be rewarded.

Whether you believe in karma (Cause and Effect) or God or Robert Kiyosaki, they talk about the strange effect of money... release it and it multiply...

I guess at the end of the day.. how many of us are sincere enough to take this up?

Have you ever helped a fellow human being in their hour of need? Even without karma, just seeing the other person comforted and happy by your gesture is reward enough.

Hmm... hey don't get me wrong.. I am not all kindness personified :) If you cut me in my "khnged" car, I will floor the accelerator and race you...heh heh

Talking about that...I haven't decided on the exhaust system...listen to the sweet melody of this beautiful piece...

Wit that, I sign the words of the Drift King (God bless his soul) Keiichi Tsuchiya

"You brake and then turn the wheel, step on the clutch, and pull the e-brake. Release the e-brake, go into countersteer mode, then wait. Wait until you know the car is facing the corner exit direction. then you smile and slam on the gas as you exit the corner." - Keiichi Tsuchiya