Friday, September 22, 2006

My first watch

I finally did it :) I bought the Omega Seamaster 300M Automatic - it feels so ... complete ..heh heh

And what did you know? Oracle shares shot up 2 dollars in a night!! essentially means my new watch is free! WOO HOO!!

Told you the wonders of money right...WOO HOO!!

Yang got a fever last night and we suspected a viral - Dr Low confirmed it - saying it probably emptied out in the bowel movement...thanks goodness!! Today he feels ok...probably grinning and smirking that he got a off day today...ah well...I can emphatise with that :P

Wabe will be off a few trips soon..pity we cant have a short trip before I start work... well I can probably go for some golf ... hey I just realized with my weight training and static 7 iron has leaped to average 130m! that's 30m more!!

And in time, just that day when I was playing in Executive Golf, I was joined by an ang mo and a cocky chinese guy. Keep asking me when I started playing come carry a Sunday bag ... (I only brought a 3 and 7 iron, pitcher and putter).

When I screwed my firt tee ...he keep gloating with his ang mo fren..."Show us your best shot!"...

I just grinned and asked them how long they have played...since 94...WOw guys must be pros! I said.

The ang mo took shot...the ball ROLLED beautifully......haha

"That's one way of reaching the hole .." I commented grinning.

The chinese guy took his 3 woods...and whacked...not too bad...

I took a 3 iron and whacked pass his shot by 20 feet.

BANZAI!!! lucky shot:P...but I proceed to whack their asses off during the 9 hole.

Hmm....maybe I should go and take my handicap...I might actually have it now!! heh heh

Ok ..time to sign off..

MORAL of Story: Never underestimate the guy with a 20 dollars Sunday bag and you with the PING and CALLIWAY sets.

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