Thursday, March 20, 2008


My new Ody got caught in a stupid log which fell...technically the car isnt spoilt...but I didn't feel good...every sound I hear I imagine it to be from the perceived incident..
so what did I do?

I sold off my current Ody and ..... got a similar new one from Kah Motor.


Although, I had thought of using this chance to buy the Mark X but Wabe still insist on MPV..what to do..GRIN.

I think I will INSIST on the car brand and COLOR next round....

Will be going to Paris and Finland back to back next month..and KL next and Thailand in June.

Funny thing is...I used to think going to Paris etc is exotic..but I found I look forward to more Asia trips ... perhaps has to do with the company you are with but still...I always prefer Asia least the food is so MUCH palatable.

Till next time, adios!


Monday, March 03, 2008


Remember when I spoke on my mental burdens I carried over the years ?

The anger which I felt towards the vipers - the relatives I blamed for my grandmother's sufferings?

Recently, when I had the time for my solitary runs in the evenings - I thought over it a lot.

Why did I feel so angry?

In my heart, I knew partly the anger was to mask my own guilt. That I did not do enough for her when she was alive and when she left, I felt so guilty that I resorted to blaming others for her "misery".

Where was I when the rest of them were with her at the hospital?

Why blame my auntie when she was the one who shouldered the responsibility of caring for my grandmother? What did I do that was better?

The more I thought of it - my irrational anger suddenly seems very foolish.

To drop my burdens, I need to not just forgive..I need to come to terms that I was a poor grandson who did not treasure my grandmother when she was alive. And now that she is gone, I do not have any rights to start blaming everyone.

"Let he who have not sinned - let he cast the first stone".

Before we point a finger, remember to ask if we are blameless.

If we are, start by forgiving ourselves and admitting our mistakes.

The journey in life has too many wondrous things to marvel - then to waste time mulling over past.

Have you seen a butterfly slowly emerging from a cacoon?
Have you seen a young seedling emerging in the early morning?
Have you seen the mighty Nigara Falls thundering down?

Treasure what we have and move on. Like me, I have started my own healing..


My dream skills...