Thursday, April 17, 2008

First attempt

Today I am on leave as we are going to join Wabe in KL tonight.

I decided based on last night's 6km comfortable run - that I am sufficiently fit to attempt at least the cycle/run portion of the triathalon.

Cycled to Mandai Avenue and back - average at 18km/hr - was ok ...legs didn't feel that tired. Distance clocked 25km..15km less than the Olympic distance but heck :)

Happily, I parked my bike and changed to my Asics 2120 and stared at the blazing stretch of tar road ..the shimmering heat wave suddenly felt very burning...

Confidently chanting the mantra "Never give up" I strode away...
Alas, I overestimated myself, 1.5 km down the road, fatigue set's not the's actual energy deficiency... my legs felt like reminded me of those stupid sprints training in my water polo days!

I walked the remaining road back to home...humbled by a small taste of the triathalon. By no means is this merely physical endurance...I reckon mental strength will play a great deal in the completion of it - especially during the last few km of the last leg.

In the words of Robert Browning:
"But that a man's reach will exceed his grasp - else what's a heaven for?"

Words that will apply to this little trial in my life and probably to all of you in all aspects on your life.


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