Friday, April 11, 2008

Paris and Running

So where do I start?

Perhaps with the Paris trip...

On the flight there, I shared a row with a professor from Luxembourg and exchanged interesting tales with him...

I was amazed to know Luxembourg is even wealthier than Switzerland! Apparently their banks allow ...numbered accounts..heh heh..

Anyway, he inherited huge lands from his farmer ancestors and is now rich beyond anyone means..he told me he have 4 Nissan GTR and is awaiting the latest one..and lived in Shangrila SUITES....

I was like Wow...and WOw....then I paused...I am in a damn economy class (abeit the new ER jet) but still...why is this rich bloke in the SAME row as me?!?!

Perhaps Singaporeans aren't the only ones to boast..heh heh

Anyway, I must record the superb way French drive - they don't have the concept of sensors..their reverse is literally "Long Tio Wu Siah" (Hit already got Sound).

I with a Finn and Malaysian colleague actually witnessed a brand new CRV reverse into a lampost..and the driver didnt even flinched....I think I will have a heart attack if my Odyssey kena the same...

What do I think of Paris?

Hooligans. Graffiti. Ruins.

FRankly I did not find it beautiful at all.

I wonder what the hype is all about this place..

I will let the pics do the talking..the touristy details.

Running...I am really into running now..bought a ASICS shaved 2 minutes off my 6km run...amazing!!

Am I ready for the tri now? Not by the hair of my chimmy chin chin!! Individually, this should be ok...but I haven't try the combined one...1/2 more year to train...never give up!!

1.5 km(0.93 mi) swim
40 km(24.8 mi) bike
10 km(6.2 mi) run

God willing, I will try to complete one this year - nmind the timing :)


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