Tuesday, December 30, 2008

When I am old..

There is this chinese message which I pasted in the study room - thought of doing the translation..

"When I am old - no longer what I used to be.
Please understand and be patient with me.

When I accidently spill soup onto my clothes;
or when I forgot how to tie my shoelaces,
remember how in the old days when I patiently taught you the way to lace up the shoe.

When I keep telling you the same old things which you have heard many times already,
please be patient with me and not cut me off,
Remember when you are little, did not I lovingly tell you the same fairy tale you loved over and over till you have dozed off to sleep each night?

When I need your help to bathe myself, please do not reproach me.
Remember how it was when you are little, when I lovingly coaxed and helped you to bathe?

When I am puzzled with new technology and do not know about the modern world, please do not laugh at me.
Remember when you are little, how I patiently answered your each and every "Why?".

Sam in his pensive mood.

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