Thursday, March 26, 2009

Butterfly for me and freestyle for Kee

After observing the coaches barking commands at the APS swim school for the last few months, I suddenly realised that my butterfly stroke since JC times were all wrong..the dolphin kick requires a minor and major kick before each breathe wonder I was always out of breath after short distance!!
I tested a few times in CCS and finally in my mum in law's condo pool..I swam 2 laps without feeling drained!! WA HEI!!!! who says old dogs can't learn new tricks... now there is revived interest in swimming again!! sigh if only I had the money then to learn from the best..

Still, Kee can have the chance and I pressured and pushed him to excel in swimming...his coach knows I am very serious about it and keeps me updated. On my part, I have drilled him during play time on the proper strokes and in CSC, I tested him - front crawl single side breathing - 1 full lap (GRIN) - slow and relax breathing..

Onward !

Sam in flying fish mode.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


After a bountiful period of good times (3 years or so?), the bad times are coming..Nokia announced a 1700 headcount reduction recently.
In such times, people get nervous but I was a bit put it in less ...arrogant view - at 37 I am operating at peak - old enough for accumulated experienced and maturity and young enough to embrace rapid changes..
The work for me in fact doubled and $$ still flows in as before in what are I worried about?

I worry the day when I am older in the next cycle...would my knowledge then still make me "resistant" to layoffs? Would I be too in comfort zone say when I am in my 40s..50s?
What then?

In the light of things, next action point is to get a MSc in Computer Science or Math so I can perhaps apply for a poly lecturer post when I am in my 50s - perhaps start a tuition agency/consultancy ...

In the meantime, continue accumulating $ and investing for passive income.

Sam in worry mode for retirement plan.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Money - Financial Literacy

Not too long ago, our car sales rep advised us when we wanted to pay up fully the new car - his point was ..why do that - he can give us discounts and we can use the money to invest...

It was an expensive lesson - :) I should have on hindsight paid up the remaining 40k :P By golly - this will need to clear by next year along with the remaining HDB loan. Blast those forum "gurus" who advocate not paying up and leveraging on the sum to invest...haha..debt free next year HOOOOO!!

Well for one, I am "battle scarred" having losses in the last one year.
Paper losses are still minor as I was still wary of venturing too much - at least I did not get too 'sophisicated" to invest in Lehman Brothers - and my investment bulk now is primarily LTA 15 year bonds and SPH shares.
The next wave will be into riskier ones like DBS and then further to penny stocks...endure endure!!!!

I thank my lucky stars the war chest was not touched and also we did not plunged into luxury car or private properties ..Wabe's credit :)

The mantra of old still stays .. Save Save Save and give give give - ten times of what you give will be given back to you - as Naruto will say "Believe it!"

*I can sleep soundly at night because my risks are covered..can you ?*