Thursday, March 26, 2009

Butterfly for me and freestyle for Kee

After observing the coaches barking commands at the APS swim school for the last few months, I suddenly realised that my butterfly stroke since JC times were all wrong..the dolphin kick requires a minor and major kick before each breathe wonder I was always out of breath after short distance!!
I tested a few times in CCS and finally in my mum in law's condo pool..I swam 2 laps without feeling drained!! WA HEI!!!! who says old dogs can't learn new tricks... now there is revived interest in swimming again!! sigh if only I had the money then to learn from the best..

Still, Kee can have the chance and I pressured and pushed him to excel in swimming...his coach knows I am very serious about it and keeps me updated. On my part, I have drilled him during play time on the proper strokes and in CSC, I tested him - front crawl single side breathing - 1 full lap (GRIN) - slow and relax breathing..

Onward !

Sam in flying fish mode.

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