Tuesday, March 24, 2009


After a bountiful period of good times (3 years or so?), the bad times are coming..Nokia announced a 1700 headcount reduction recently.
In such times, people get nervous but I was a bit indifferent...to put it in less ...arrogant view - at 37 I am operating at peak - old enough for accumulated experienced and maturity and young enough to embrace rapid changes..
The work for me in fact doubled and $$ still flows in as before in incentives..so what are I worried about?

I worry the day when I am older in the next cycle...would my knowledge then still make me "resistant" to layoffs? Would I be too in comfort zone say when I am in my 40s..50s?
What then?

In the light of things, next action point is to get a MSc in Computer Science or Math so I can perhaps apply for a poly lecturer post when I am in my 50s - perhaps start a tuition agency/consultancy ...

In the meantime, continue accumulating $ and investing for passive income.

Sam in worry mode for retirement plan.

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