Saturday, May 20, 2006

Eye problem

There is a spate of unlucky events in the last few weeks.
Foremost was my father-in-law got his retina detached like me. Problem is - he got 12 tears and the centre detached. From what I know, this is damn serious shit - there will be a lot to adjust to after the operation and he has to face down for 4 weeks!
Jesus Christ....I thought we had the feng shui stuff protected and all.

It doth be a trying times - especially with some of the renovation results not exactly turning out well - guess everyone will be in a pretty dour mood.

I remembered when Wabe and I were getting married - god...I think we had to survive on 200 bucks per person per month - that's how thrifty we had to be - of course we had parents had openly asked me "So how do you plan on getting married / house?" - meaning to say "Don't even think of asking us for money". That avenue was closed - I knew I had to depend on myself. Which makes it all the more sweeter when we built it up step by step. I only regret Wabe has to suffer with me during the lean time but she said then it was a very sweet time for her though we don't have a car....we don't eat in restaurants every week...we wore cheapo bought from market apparels:)

But I guessed the whole process is designed to make us all grow up and view life in a different light.

We have after all just made a commitment to spend the rest of our lives together and this commitment requires a certain discipline to look at things from a different perspective. We had mountain of debt to clear then so our priority then was not to have the best of everything but to channel resources to fix the most pressing.

Remember, it is not what you earn BUT what you save that maketh a rich man.


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