Saturday, May 06, 2006

Poor Dado

Dado went for a massage at Jurong East yesterday and my god, his condition is terrible. He had just so many spots that are so "red" which signifies "wind" and fatigue and lack of rest. I counted, there are at least 20 of these.

And while going for the massage, i told him to park near the rubbish chute and guess what, his car was knocked and there was a big dent. I can see that he feels upset about it but he does not want to tell me.
I woke up early this morning to search the web for nearby repair shops for dent. Hope they will be open today. The one at Capitol Building does not open on Sunday.

Poor dado even had to work today. Felt so bad about it. Am I not taking good care of him? He is so tired and yet I always call him to do this and do that. Hmm, will do things myself next time. The night before, he was doing work until past midnight.

Let's hope he will have a good day today and both of us are not working tomorrow, hurray!

Had not seen him working so hard except during those times in SCO...thereafter, he has always compare the rewards to effort before he will work hard. He has changed...and I like this change in him!

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