Friday, May 12, 2006

Siak's Wedding and How to break bad news

In case you are wondering, the 2 events have absolutely no connection to each other :)

Today is Siak's wedding - I met up a lot of old comrades from Accenture and HP..even Foo Lin whom I worked with in Virgin Mobile in ...2002?
Lots of laughter and back slapping belies the underlying mellowing of charactors - I can see nuances of subdued temper...laid back longer the youthful exuberance of the old days. We have all travelled extentively for some of us...sharing the funny stories...

It was a good session - I am glad I did not missed this night.

Congrats, Siak - welcome to the club:) And say goodbye to drinking days :)

Next topic - my boss gave me the task of breaking a piece of bad news to a important customer.

I pondered over it - his exact words were "You need to prove you can sell ice to Eskimos"

Well it was a direct challenge - I do not usually back down from one - so I spent the afternoon crafting the entire battle plan of how to tell the news to the customer that he is not getting the fix from us in time and his timeline is screwed and yet at the same time, maintain the moral highground and walk out a winner.

I decided on HONESTY.

So Mr Customer, we goofed.'s how I think we can mitigate this....etc etc

Status update 6 hourly....etc etc

Assurances on changing the process to ensure nothing like this will happen etc etc

..........3 calls....he said ...busy call me later

I persevered. Delivery time.

What do you know?

He thanked me for my effort in helping him mitigate the risks and thanked me for working on my public holiday to help him. !!

What do you know?..ahha sometimes...not winning the battle does not necessarily means you do not win the war.

Excellent lesson.

Signing off.

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