Sunday, July 23, 2006

Wabe's operation

Wabe is going to have her op this week....
And we didn't help any better by irritating her and not helping her out ( me and Yang).
Actually Yang fared much better - he is absolutely sweet when he was so shocked when I told him Mummy is going to hospital next week - he asked in such a spontaneous concerned way "why?? will she will be ok?"
Yang, you are in moments like this, an angel who lights up the starless night, a seedling who broke forth in the first bloom of the season - who bring smiles to us when the going gets really heavy and brings strength to us.

I pray to the Lord, in his mercy will watch Wabe during the operation next week and gives her strength. And also, I pray that Lord, in your compassion, protect and bless her, so she will continue to have good health.
Jesus, I asked this in Your Name - Lord, I asked that You will be the intercessor for the unbelievers - and You will forgive us in the multitudes of times when we knowingly commit sins when we reject Your Name.
You have said the ways of the Most High are not known to men and yet we have tried to explain and refute the Word.
Lord, in your Your Mercy , hear my prayer and extend Your Protection to Wabe for her op.
In this I pray in Your Holy Name, Amen.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006


After all the euphoria, it's begining to slow down... the interview went well but I called the headhunter straight after it as I felt I wasn't too ready to move...the push factor is not there...neither is the pull factor very strong...I guess I am not too inclined.

Hey ! I played golf last Sat...Palm Terrace...bloody hell...190 ringgit ...gosh it is EXPENSIVE..
But my drives were very good that day...around 200 plus ...which is not too bad for me :)

Lawrence too played well..he finally bought his 1k plus irons..haha!

BTW, Yang's kinderland is GOOD! He wrote the date in chinese yesterday!! I am impressed:D

VERY PROUD of MY SON...hey that's my SON!


Good work Yang. One small step for the homework..a giant step for Confidence!

Ok signing off..

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Got a call yesterday - hey what do you know... the headhunter told me the prospective company wants to meet me.
Jesus Christ... this time round..I really have no intention to move out..anyway, let's see...I might not fit their needs anyway...will ponder more when it is more firm up..

Hey on the bright side, Yang has enrolled in his new school - Kinderland(?) Really good...I wondered how come I got convinced to let him go PAP in the first place...there is really no comparison when it comes to the myriad syllabus and the field trips etc.

He told of his role play in the Speech and Drama class when he acted as the Father Bear and how he could not stop giggling and his teacher told him Father Bear is supposed to be gruff and grouchy - not the happy chap Yang was protraying to be.

Ah but the youthful exuberance of the young...

When every step is an adventure...every scent a fragance to be savoured... every dream a hope to be realized..

Er the photo has no relevance...I just realised it is not necessary to upload using a third party tool...wonder if the blog has a limit of file uploaded...makes sense then to upload to 3rd party site for hosting - guess this answers my own question..


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Let me show you the might of SUPER MATTHEW!! Posted by Picasa

Just try me, Wolverine....heh heh Posted by Picasa

The backview of the Boy of Steel! Posted by Picasa

Yang in the new Superman Returns... Posted by Picasa

The new TATAMI look - complete with OSIM massage and scruffy beanbag :D Posted by Picasa