Tuesday, July 18, 2006


After all the euphoria, it's begining to slow down... the interview went well but I called the headhunter straight after it as I felt I wasn't too ready to move...the push factor is not there...neither is the pull factor very strong...I guess I am not too inclined.

Hey ! I played golf last Sat...Palm Terrace...bloody hell...190 ringgit ...gosh it is EXPENSIVE..
But my drives were very good that day...around 200 plus ...which is not too bad for me :)

Lawrence too played well....so well..he finally bought his 1k plus irons..haha!

BTW, Yang's kinderland is GOOD! He wrote the date in chinese yesterday!! I am impressed:D

VERY PROUD of MY SON...hey that's my SON!


Good work Yang. One small step for the homework..a giant step for Confidence!

Ok signing off..

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