Monday, October 02, 2006


I managed to finally mastered my 3 woods...

This is one good bargain James Kong gave me... heh heh I think it was 99 bucks for this superb piece of Joy product.I think it cost 400 in its first entry.

And no wonder...the sweet ping of the contact is exhilarating..and the distance...beyond 180...this is simply too good..

I got so worked up..I went to buy a new golf bag...this Mizuno compact bag which weighs only 1.5 kg and looks really good...

I wonder if I have the time to continue this after I start my new work...hopefully..

Yang is sick for the last 2 days but he was still quite energetic ..this is probably a virus and Wabe is still working...this arrangement is not very comfy..sigh...

Hopefully, things will get settled down soon.

Lawrence is just begining to get used to being a father...I think he is scared shitless...heh heh

Come Saturday he was planning a golf trip with me...OMG~!! I think I will wait to see if Jolene kills him or not first..heh heh

Ok time to go..I am looking for a Callaway set ...heh heh..

Hmm... this feeling is very good..when I was young...I always do not have what I want cool toys like Ninetedo..control cars...
Hmm...think I better stick to my thrify always it is not what you earn but what you save..


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