Saturday, November 25, 2006

New Tires

JC recommended me to Hankook tires...not bad...the place has great games and free coffee and pool table and a lounge!

Got 225/45/18 and a battery. Alignment was done and damn, so many faults....

Finally, the sweet sound of silent tires....grip is quite good compared to Aspect in the rain. :)



Thursday, November 23, 2006


Find more results for ORCL


Total Profit per share= 1.66 USD

10,000/18 = 555

Total profit to date = 922 USD = 1383 SGD

All within 1 month.......enuff said :D



Oracle Corporation

(Public, NASDAQ:ORCL) - Add to Portfolio - Discuss ORCL
Find more results for ORCL


Total Profit per share= 1.66 USD

10,000/18 = 555

Total profit to date = 922 USD = 1383 SGD

All within 1 month.......enuff said :D


Monday, November 13, 2006


of all luggage for stuck at Frankfurt while I am already at Helsinski...luckily the electronic tagging systems works and it will be delivered to hotel later at 9 pm.

It is incredibly cold...and I first saw snow in my 35 year old is very surreal to have breakfast while seeing the flakes gentling flutter down in a big city square..the pavement was lightly cloaked in white...

Whilst enjoying this... I also heard from Wabe that Yang is not doing as well in school... invariably guilt sets in and my being away so far did not help things... I felt so helpless and wanting to go back and support the family. Well, no use lamenting ...we have to take action ..once I am back - we will need to see what is the problem - it's heart warming when a family cuddles to face adversity:)

Hmm...oh yeah ... was surprised to see a Singapore stall in a Finnish mall earlier! BEEF KWAY TIAO, I hollered. The owner was surprised and grinned..."Singapore ar? heh heh... ai harm chio mai?" hhehe damn it is so heart warming to hear local slang in a foreign country..the owner is also thrilled to see fellow countrymen :)

But still, missed Wabe and Yang Kee...can't wait to be back :)

Now watching them via webcam...:)


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Yang's Performance

It's the morning before I will hop on the plane to Finland later.

Temp check - minus 5 degree max... not as bad as predicted! Got even a few days of 2 and 3 degree!

Last Friday was Yang's performance. Watching the play gave me a bittersweet feeling...while my heart burst with pride as a father when I see my little boy running and dancing on stage...I also realized time indeed has flashed past almost without us knowing..

Children....why do they grow up so fast?:) Such that every action..every word becomes memories quickly...

When I first saw Yang...he was wrapped in a blanket - with eyes wide open looking at me. I just bend over and introduced "Baby..this is Papa..welcome to the family..." The experience is something I will never forget in a hurry.

Right now, my boy still sleeps with us in our bed and likes to bury his hands and feet under our bodies to get warmth. Sometimes, you get irritated when he kicks you repeatedly in the night day one will look back and gives a million dollars just to replay these childhood days with your children again.

I am glad we have resisted the travelling jobs before during these formative years - truly nothing will compensate these times with your child.

Yesterday, Wabe gave me a "Ping an Fu"..I wore it during the dinner and trip home :) I am very touched by the gesture... sometimes you realized one do not need much to be happy.. happiness comes from contentment and I am blessed with my family :)


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Top Joy and meet up and all

Met up Roger, Chun, Che2 and Kwang Meng over Kah Soh at Queen's Town Club. I tried my new Top Joy 5 Iron which I bought at Grand BigWin last week - it is very very good - the same quality as my 7. The new set costs 5800 - that's an amount which I think is quite ridiculous - I spied a 2nd hand one at 850...that might be a choice later.
Still, I am quite satisfied with the strokes - darn thing is driver back got whacked when I swinged the iron - dented! my 400 bucks driver...but luckily only a bit at the back and not the club face.

Dinner was fun CKM got lost and there was a lot of wisecracks going on and stories of our uni days .. of weird professors and skipped lectures and the then MUDD games.
Shared some financial talk - CKM went for Masters in Applied Finance and jumped ship from IT...bloody traitor:P He too advocated paying up house loan early..his will end next year!! I must work harder!!!

Coffee at Red Hill coffee shop and then it was time to go - for some of will be a long time before we will meet again..till next time..

Finland trip is confirmed ...2 trips in Nov update when I come back.

I bought the new Olympus miu 720 - water resistant t0 3 m!! 7.1 !! slick with audio video!! Will use it to record my Finland trip :)

ORCL latest quote:

Oracle Corporation (Public, NASDAQ:ORCL) - Add to Portfolio - Discuss ORCL

Still above 18...I heard the APAC Business Object management team has left - is this a sign that Oracle will buy up BO as speculated? Should I plunge into the BO shares? Thinking.....
