Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Top Joy and meet up and all

Met up Roger, Chun, Che2 and Kwang Meng over Kah Soh at Queen's Town Club. I tried my new Top Joy 5 Iron which I bought at Grand BigWin last week - it is very very good - the same quality as my 7. The new set costs 5800 - that's an amount which I think is quite ridiculous - I spied a 2nd hand one at 850...that might be a choice later.
Still, I am quite satisfied with the strokes - darn thing is driver back got whacked when I swinged the iron - dented! my 400 bucks driver...but luckily only a bit at the back and not the club face.

Dinner was fun CKM got lost and there was a lot of wisecracks going on and stories of our uni days .. of weird professors and skipped lectures and the then MUDD games.
Shared some financial talk - CKM went for Masters in Applied Finance and jumped ship from IT...bloody traitor:P He too advocated paying up house loan early..his will end next year!! I must work harder!!!

Coffee at Red Hill coffee shop and then it was time to go - for some of will be a long time before we will meet again..till next time..

Finland trip is confirmed ...2 trips in Nov update when I come back.

I bought the new Olympus miu 720 - water resistant t0 3 m!! 7.1 !! slick with audio video!! Will use it to record my Finland trip :)

ORCL latest quote:

Oracle Corporation (Public, NASDAQ:ORCL) - Add to Portfolio - Discuss ORCL

Still above 18...I heard the APAC Business Object management team has left - is this a sign that Oracle will buy up BO as speculated? Should I plunge into the BO shares? Thinking.....


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