Monday, November 13, 2006


of all luggage for stuck at Frankfurt while I am already at Helsinski...luckily the electronic tagging systems works and it will be delivered to hotel later at 9 pm.

It is incredibly cold...and I first saw snow in my 35 year old is very surreal to have breakfast while seeing the flakes gentling flutter down in a big city square..the pavement was lightly cloaked in white...

Whilst enjoying this... I also heard from Wabe that Yang is not doing as well in school... invariably guilt sets in and my being away so far did not help things... I felt so helpless and wanting to go back and support the family. Well, no use lamenting ...we have to take action ..once I am back - we will need to see what is the problem - it's heart warming when a family cuddles to face adversity:)

Hmm...oh yeah ... was surprised to see a Singapore stall in a Finnish mall earlier! BEEF KWAY TIAO, I hollered. The owner was surprised and grinned..."Singapore ar? heh heh... ai harm chio mai?" hhehe damn it is so heart warming to hear local slang in a foreign country..the owner is also thrilled to see fellow countrymen :)

But still, missed Wabe and Yang Kee...can't wait to be back :)

Now watching them via webcam...:)


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