Friday, December 08, 2006

New Post

It's been a while eh.

Well things have picked up quite a bit at work..

The China team has requested me to their architect - so now I am feeling some load:) heh heh well compared to the old work, this is "manageable activity" - after all, I do not need to have to take of sales related activities anymore...I can concentrate fully on the geek stuff - hehe pure hardcore software engineering..I never felt so ALIVE:)

I am amazed that a company like this, being more communciations focussed are ... so imbuded with IT principles..the way of is like being in NUS again..

For one, my cuff link shirts is gonna look out of place ..i am going to start look for short sleeved shirts with pockets in front so I can stuff many pens and notes etc hehehe..I need to look the part of the geeky architect and not a business consultant:P


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