Saturday, December 30, 2006

Rash Words

The events recently has taken its toll on Wabe and I feel sad and yet proud of her for such unselfish care and concern for her grandmother.

Perhaps my words earlier was too strong and it did not get published - well too bad for that!

From my past experiences, the true faces of loved ones will come to reveal themselves as the crisis persists .. spiteful words will be hurled... accusing fingers pointed...

It takes great maturity and strength to walk this path correctly and to focus on the act of providing the best for the loved one who lie sick.

Action speaks louder than words - it is easier to rant than to offer a simple act of help.

Tis not the time to lament on the indignities of life unfairness - it is unfair anyway.

We do not shake the dust of our sandals like the apostles of old and leave the village who do not accept them - cursing "Even Sodom will be better than you in the lasy days.." More importantly, we should listen with ears to the real message behind a rebuke - we do not cuss family members with vulgarities ( vipers who caused my grandmother's misery not included:)).

Remember and hope and pray - Wai Por is sick. Keep this in perspective.

Yours truly disgusted,

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