Wednesday, January 31, 2007


The savings since I implemented goverance in our bank account is growing - Wabe needs to be reined in on some of her spendings.

But looks good - I am very pleased:)))))

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dark Day

The last few days were bright and hopeful - the situation had looked good with Wai Por able to go home on Thursday.

Alas, the cruel Rogue dealth another blow.....she had severe bleeding in the motion twice and passed out....Wabe called me at 3 plus pm crying saying the doctors are saving her....I rushed with a heavy heart to SGH...things do not look good.

Saw Wai Por revived but weak...has to go High Dependency Ward ... Dr Lim had to set expectations..I believed the message was ...the family need to get ready and be prepared...

At this, saw mother-in-law cried. There are admonitions from her to 2nd uncle and 3rd uncle to remain brotherly...I believe the message got across as the baser nature of both uncles are good...just a matter of understanding and communicating.

Then, 4th aunt's husband joined and youngest uncle .. rebuked ( for lack of a proper correct term) him. Actually, at first it was a request for respect for the family's religion and Jesus Christ, I can't believe Uncle William actually spoke on some manhole theorem! Basically, we cannot always use our beliefs and ignore the basic social decorum ..much more this is a family crisis. Expressing sadness that if one cannot preach to the patient and thereby she is going to Purgatory in front of grieving relatives is way .... way... beyond my understanding of a true servant of God.

There are ways you can save the sinner...if the faith of one is so great that one can disown one's son so one can receive salvation, well hey ...thy faith would be greater than a mustard seed and thus, one would SURELY be faithful enough to pray to God and request to be the intercessor to Jesus on behalf of Wai Por so she can be saved despite her earthly beliefs...did not the Bible say that - so ye man of little faith?

I remember my own grandmother had converted during her last days. Apparently my aunt had managed to convert her on grounds that if she doesn't, no one will pray for her after she passes on.

Vipers! Do I really think my grandmother felt comforted ?

I had a dream many days after her funeral. In it, I found myself wandering on a void deck in a funeral ... then I saw my grandmother burning some funeral accessories...I quickly ran over and asked .."Ma! What are you doing??" She said.."Sammy, Ma has nothing ..nobody burnt anything so I have do it myself.."
I said "Ma!...Stay with me..I have plenty to give you!" She then said "Sammy, Ma has to go now..Ma cannot take care of you anymore."

I always remembered this dream and somehow I felt really doubtful my grandmother got her peace despite her conversion.

For now, pray hard...and sound the battle horn again...the fight continues...


Friday, January 19, 2007

The Final Frontier

Wabe decided not to make the Paris trip after all - a decision I know did not come easy for a person who put so much into her work.

There are many sacrifices from others which I will keep confidential even in my blog.

The battle horn has reverberated over the dark sky - the message is clear. The family is here to fight and defend Wai Por against the Rogue who seek to claim her.

I do not know if this is appropriate to liken it to a war but truth be told - this is a war - spiritually, physically.

The chemo treatment was administered..the initial effects of Wai Por trembling sent everyone to a near manic anxiety.

This is the first step of the campaign - let's soldier on.

In Sun Tzi Art of War, he said "Know thy enemy" or "Zi Chi Zi Pi , Bai Zhan Bai Sheng". We pored over internet articles..there is a TCM in Paragon who was rumoured to have been our PM's chinese physician who treated him. So many information - so little time...

My collague whose father went through this situation, mentioned something which struck me. He said "For those in the family, single out individuals who are emotionally rational and calm of heart. These people have to map out what IF the battle is lost, what can be done in the meantime...wills...last words..." Practical words..but from what he said, the one who have to wear this hat will bear most of the hurt and pain as deeply as Christ wore his crown of thorns..

Another day now...Saturday morning - another small victory over the Enemy!


Wednesday, January 10, 2007


The confirmation of the test.

It is greeted by muted feelings of anxiety, helplessness and sadness.

However, I sense the family cuddling together ancient people who drew close to the fire as night darkens around them...seeking support and warmth from each other. The atmosphere is one of wanting to with the family's religion..all pledged karma towards redemption of the illness - the air is full of positive vibes and being very attuned to such things, I told Wabe - if this bodes well for Wai Por.

It differs greatly from people of my own belief ... who always use times of illness as a opportunity to use fear of death as blackmail to convert the patient. Sometimes, we need to bend our actions to suit the situation. Why, even Jesus Himself does that....

When the elders asked Him, "Is it wrong to pay taxes to Caesar?"

He knows if He said yes, He will be arrested and His ministry will be cut short.

So He asked them to show Him a Roman coin and asked them whose image they see on the coin..which is Caesar.

So He said, "Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's...and give to God what is God's"

If the Lord knows when to speak properly to achieve good, how much more should we, brothers and sisters learn to do that?


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The whole Istana gang (include me as photographer) .. absorbing the royal air of the Istana ground..infusing all of us with luck, health and prosperity in 2007! YAH! Posted by Picasa

As requested by grandmother-in-law... Posted by Picasa

Nice resolution.. Posted by Picasa

Ever wonder why the red flag is different from our national flag? Posted by Picasa

The jovial dad and son pair *GRIN* Posted by Picasa

Tong Kali Tong with 2nd Auntie  Posted by Picasa

Taking a pose during a break on the uphill. Posted by Picasa

En Route to Istana...near the entrance:) Posted by Picasa