Wednesday, January 10, 2007


The confirmation of the test.

It is greeted by muted feelings of anxiety, helplessness and sadness.

However, I sense the family cuddling together ancient people who drew close to the fire as night darkens around them...seeking support and warmth from each other. The atmosphere is one of wanting to with the family's religion..all pledged karma towards redemption of the illness - the air is full of positive vibes and being very attuned to such things, I told Wabe - if this bodes well for Wai Por.

It differs greatly from people of my own belief ... who always use times of illness as a opportunity to use fear of death as blackmail to convert the patient. Sometimes, we need to bend our actions to suit the situation. Why, even Jesus Himself does that....

When the elders asked Him, "Is it wrong to pay taxes to Caesar?"

He knows if He said yes, He will be arrested and His ministry will be cut short.

So He asked them to show Him a Roman coin and asked them whose image they see on the coin..which is Caesar.

So He said, "Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's...and give to God what is God's"

If the Lord knows when to speak properly to achieve good, how much more should we, brothers and sisters learn to do that?


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