Friday, January 19, 2007

The Final Frontier

Wabe decided not to make the Paris trip after all - a decision I know did not come easy for a person who put so much into her work.

There are many sacrifices from others which I will keep confidential even in my blog.

The battle horn has reverberated over the dark sky - the message is clear. The family is here to fight and defend Wai Por against the Rogue who seek to claim her.

I do not know if this is appropriate to liken it to a war but truth be told - this is a war - spiritually, physically.

The chemo treatment was administered..the initial effects of Wai Por trembling sent everyone to a near manic anxiety.

This is the first step of the campaign - let's soldier on.

In Sun Tzi Art of War, he said "Know thy enemy" or "Zi Chi Zi Pi , Bai Zhan Bai Sheng". We pored over internet articles..there is a TCM in Paragon who was rumoured to have been our PM's chinese physician who treated him. So many information - so little time...

My collague whose father went through this situation, mentioned something which struck me. He said "For those in the family, single out individuals who are emotionally rational and calm of heart. These people have to map out what IF the battle is lost, what can be done in the meantime...wills...last words..." Practical words..but from what he said, the one who have to wear this hat will bear most of the hurt and pain as deeply as Christ wore his crown of thorns..

Another day now...Saturday morning - another small victory over the Enemy!


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