Tuesday, December 30, 2008

When I am old..

There is this chinese message which I pasted in the study room - thought of doing the translation..

"When I am old - no longer what I used to be.
Please understand and be patient with me.

When I accidently spill soup onto my clothes;
or when I forgot how to tie my shoelaces,
remember how in the old days when I patiently taught you the way to lace up the shoe.

When I keep telling you the same old things which you have heard many times already,
please be patient with me and not cut me off,
Remember when you are little, did not I lovingly tell you the same fairy tale you loved over and over till you have dozed off to sleep each night?

When I need your help to bathe myself, please do not reproach me.
Remember how it was when you are little, when I lovingly coaxed and helped you to bathe?

When I am puzzled with new technology and do not know about the modern world, please do not laugh at me.
Remember when you are little, how I patiently answered your each and every "Why?".

Sam in his pensive mood.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

Had Shark Attack!

Enjoy the pics...:)
After a superb meal at Thai Express...it's yoh ho to Pan Pacific Hotel Lounge...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cruise 2008 Dec

It felt like we went on a break not too long ago and now we are on board a cruise...
I have a special dislike for gambling due to personal reasons but the rest of the gang seemed very jolly about it - so what's a bit of boredom for me compared to delirious happiness for the rest of them. :P
Still first thing first....running the 6km before the cruise (buffet galore etc) is a must and thus included the pre-cruise pic...heh heh
Anyway I let the pics tell the story as usual...

1 hr before leaving for cruise...the 6km run..heh heh

The imitable father and son team!

Some Xmas pic before the first buffet meal!

Merry Xmas!

The galloping horses!

same same..

Cheeky Yang

Happy Anniversary to both of us!

Not quite Hawaii yet but getting there:)

Surfer dude to be..

The surfer wannabe..haha

Fantastic shot by Kee..he was the one who got the setting correct!

So I copied :)

Wabe and Mama.

6 plus am to catch the sunrise.

By George, we will catch it finally!

Moments before the climax.

Finally the orange globe slowly emerged...Nature is so wonderful..

Recounting each other's adventures onboard the high sea.

A kiss for Kee:)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

How to pronouce CARIBBEAN

The long standing debate over this matter has been resolved.

The word do not end with "BEAN" rather it is to be uttered with 4 syllabus.

Enclosed from Webster dictionary:


There you have it.

Proved (QED).

Sam - grin

Friday, December 05, 2008

Handy Man

I am pretty happy that I managed to fixed up the shower stand and the bathroom shelfs - it costs me a small sum to get the drill but it was worth it :)
And...I managed to get the balcony to be laid with synthetic woodlike overlays so the pebbles which always come off problem do not exist anymore...somehow I feel very very satisfied :)

Bicycles except my Trek are stored between the common staircase outside so the whole balcony looks very neat and tidy:) Also Yang's toy's room has been cleansed of all non-essential toys...by golly when I did a quick check on the amount we bought for his toys..it was an amazing 20k..

so no more toys like before...my god...I did not realized it..haha

Anyway, with luck...I will be moving into for bargain stocks end next year....really hope it turns out well with this calculated guess...if it does - ....would we retire? Probably not...perhaps sleep better ..then maybe not...

Marginal utility.

When you owe the bank 1000 - you are in trouble.
When you owe the bank 1000 000 - the bank is in trouble.



Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Linux Xterm

I finally created a Linux like environment in my Windows:P the Xterm looks so ... achingly like an old friend..the hours I slogged in the XTerm labs in NUS....geesuz christ..to wax lyrical over this type of things means I have reached the epitome of geekdom..


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Matthew did it! :)

Sam in happy mood :)

Friday, November 07, 2008

Beijing Photo - Weekend Over

Over the last weekend, Yang and Bees came over to join me in Beijing.. Pictures will tell the thousand words..so enjoy :)
Yang and I even swam in the indoor heated pool in Swissotel with a hotel attendant guarding us...nobody swam..so it was like we are emperor and prince wallowing in the palace..haha

The first buffet breakfast we managed to con the hotel...for free:P

Entrance to the Great Wall..

Affer the grandola, we are about to become 好汉 by climbing the 长城.

Wabe also is 好汉 !

Before the great climb!

Comtemplative mood .. imagining thousands of years ago..Chinese border soldiers were looking thru the same window..

Aha! Yang is officially a 好汉 !!

Me too!

After a tiring climb, some roasted chestnuts felt so good in the chilly mountain!

Kee brandishing his sword in the Ming tomb.

Fruit farm...got SAN CHA! Kee loves the fruit which incidentally also is one of his favorite sweets.

A massage at Bodhi Place...well recommended by almost all Nokians..

One of the 2 famous places for Peking Duck..Da Dong..the other is jingjude..which they say is not suitable for Singaporean taste.

A joyous scene outside the Tian Tan.

A attempted visual photography :P

Kee and Wabe at Tian Tan.

Mother and Son - such natural smiles:)

Father and son - bonding at its best :)

Wabe looking radiant in her smile..too bad the flash did not work as well:P

The Echo Wall...er...I didn't managed to verify this myself..

Kee in his Bob the Builder guise.
the morning when Bee and Kee left for airport...3 new big bags full of stuff from Ya Siu..hahaha