Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Trek 6500 DISC

Finally, I upgraded my MTB to a new Trek 6500 DISC! WOO HOO!! Cost around 1800 bucks with all the accessories like speedometer, lights, water bottle rack and a snakeskin protector for the sides.

This morning, I snapped on the Saris rack to my Odyssey and secured the Trek to it - the feeling of it is so good..haha.. premium brand makes you so dizzy with cockiness ..haha

The ride is so smooth - Trek makes it so easy with the uphill and with the hydraulic brakes - downhill also feel safer...but shit I encountered 3 cobras ...lucky did not fell down..else will be bitten..

I joined the singapore mtb group - will join them for rides so it will be safer. time to focus on my tennis and golf...went golf last week with Yang and Jun Executive course ... consistency in the short game has went down - only managed to "on" 2 times..the rest has to depend on the chip..but no choice...MTB rulez now!! heh heh

PICS To follow.

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