Thursday, August 31, 2006

Wabe & Yang in the hotel in Bangkok Posted by Picasa

Bangkok Trip (Me & Yang just arrived in the hotel) Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New Offer

The new offer has arrived - a big....big jump. I could not believe the amount - are they serious?! Truly the income gap will grow bigger.

I had to break it to my boss - they will counter on Friday. Geez I need to play it well....Damn

For now, to hell with the decisions and morality.

Am I too ruthless in my undertaking? But would my boss cut me slack in my work? No..the level of expectation will remain high if not higher - so I need to make my expectation clear too.

One of the war strategy is "To attack as a form of defence"

I merely moved faster. Hell...they are also eyeing the pie...less of mine is more of theirs...

Jesus Christ, what have become of me?

Have I degenerated to one of the pathetic slimeballs I used to despised?


Even my hobbies have turned violent with "Khnging" my car.

Perhaps it is as the Lord has said: "Truly it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle"


Hmmm...once I get the best deal this Friday..I will add the Remus exhaust. Muahahaha.


Sunday, August 27, 2006

Same Silver Mod: The actual baby...Damn it sounds fierce at high rev! Posted by Picasa

Latest mod: Dual Input from Silver to the VTEC engine. Posted by Picasa

Mod 2: One of the earlier success Hurricane air filter..together with the Denso Iridium Spark Plugs. Posted by Picasa

Mod 1: Notice the Thule Roof Rack with 2 bicyle hook. Posted by Picasa

Khng My Car

Presenting the new mod Odyssey:
(Part 1 : Notice the Thule roof rack with 2 bicyle hooks)

Saturday, August 26, 2006

New events

Tis been a long while since I last updated this one of the problem is this blogskin which kinda did not have the New Post functionality and I have to go do it from the main Blogspot page.

But I love the Inuyasha pic too much to revert :)

Now where shall I start... my car naturally..:)

Went to Autobacs yesterday ... Yang wanted to buy a horrid silver Robot sticker..want to stick it in the car bonnet... Wabe went one step further..she asked the "Khng Your Car" auntie if they can do a Spiderman logo.. With True "Khng Your Car" attitude..she of coz said No problem...bring your picture..anything also can do...BUT..only mono color.

Hmm..I guess I will not bring them the next time ...otherwise it will end up plastered with Marvel Capcom charactors :)

Asked the morose assistant about the CAI...he wasn't too helpful..basket so went off...

Approaching mum-in-law's place, I got a suddent revelation...there's a old shop next to the bicycle shop I bought one for Yang... looks VERY interesting...

Went god...not a bad place..all kinds of "khng" stuffs:)

Decided on a Silver's Racing Air Power - essentially another inlet to the engine for forced air.

The mechanic was quite a clown... he said in Malaysian accented Chinese "Boss, your VTEC not powerful enough meh?

Then he said, "Be careful when you step on gas ..I will adjust to mid range first see if you like.."

I said "Oh whatever..just do it"

He asked again "VTEC not enough huh?.."

Maybe he was saying MPV do not need this :) Whatever :)

Then decided on Philips Crystal White Lights.

Guy said "LTA approved, Boss..but sometimes they reject leh"

Man, I need to send this guy for sales training :) But at least he is honest :)

Just install lar, I told him.

Spied a Remus Exhaust....but maybe next time :) Wabe and Yang could be too tired.

finally, drove off...WHHOOOSH! If the Hurricane made the pickup smoother...this baby felt powerful...didnt kick in till after 3kplus rev...but damn...

heheh..I will post some pics next..

Signing off

Sam in "I just start to enjoy my fruits of labour" time :)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Sam at his best

I think I am now operating at peak performance...

I just found I am the top performer in Asia Pacific (if my boss did not BS me..)...and am put on an accelerated path in my current company..Man this is really some news after putting in real effort for the last 1 year plus..AND this come at no discount in quality time with family.:)

And I still have my pending external offer.. perhaps the feng shui is really working :) Thanks Lilian Too! and Wabe for pushing the idea.

And ... after the great bonus this round...I got 2 referral offers in!..haha the money I get for this...several thousands for er..just simply sending email and mobile numbers to HR..haha this got to be the best job man...since this is easy money I will use it to khng my car hehe.

I already spurged on a Thule roof rack and bicycle fix. Looks damn COOL! Mr Yak promised to get me damn cheap air mod and body kit from his usual mechanic..haha he even ventured to lower the car and add a turbo ...I stopped at that...this is anyway still a family car:)

So anyway, now the humble Odyssey have some semblance to a yuppie car...I wouldnt get comments like "Where's ya own come driving ya dad's car?"

Woo HOO!!

Enough of self glorification. I apologise for the cocky strain .. haha I need to give myself a self congratulation!

Here's to higher glory..!

Signing out. :)


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Good news

Well, now I am in Sheraton in Bangalore...heck...I will incur 1/2 day charge..but heck...

First thing, PRAISE to the LORD - for He has blessed Wabe with good health! Wabe is healthy! YEAH!

Praise Praise the LORD!

Secondly, I was told my 2nd interview went perfectly....$$ is not an issue wor..

But my current boss took the time to talk to me till past midnight... it will be a tough decision...

Anyway, I also just khng my car...fitted with Hurricane air filter and Denso iridium spark plugs and suddenly my Odyssey outran a Forrestor hehe.

Damn, these performance things work !

I will be spending more on performance that I can be sure :D sans turbo of course

time to log off...

Yang didn't want to talk to me on phone because he was playing Lego Star Wars...sigh