Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New Offer

The new offer has arrived - a big....big jump. I could not believe the amount - are they serious?! Truly the income gap will grow bigger.

I had to break it to my boss - they will counter on Friday. Geez I need to play it well....Damn

For now, to hell with the decisions and morality.

Am I too ruthless in my undertaking? But would my boss cut me slack in my work? No..the level of expectation will remain high if not higher - so I need to make my expectation clear too.

One of the war strategy is "To attack as a form of defence"

I merely moved faster. Hell...they are also eyeing the pie...less of mine is more of theirs...

Jesus Christ, what have become of me?

Have I degenerated to one of the pathetic slimeballs I used to despised?


Even my hobbies have turned violent with "Khnging" my car.

Perhaps it is as the Lord has said: "Truly it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle"


Hmmm...once I get the best deal this Friday..I will add the Remus exhaust. Muahahaha.


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