Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Sam at his best

I think I am now operating at peak performance...

I just found I am the top performer in Asia Pacific (if my boss did not BS me..)...and am put on an accelerated path in my current company..Man this is really some news after putting in real effort for the last 1 year plus..AND this come at no discount in quality time with family.:)

And I still have my pending external offer.. perhaps the feng shui is really working :) Thanks Lilian Too! and Wabe for pushing the idea.

And ... after the great bonus this round...I got 2 referral offers in!..haha the money I get for this...several thousands for er..just simply sending email and mobile numbers to HR..haha this got to be the best job man...since this is easy money I will use it to khng my car hehe.

I already spurged on a Thule roof rack and bicycle fix. Looks damn COOL! Mr Yak promised to get me damn cheap air mod and body kit from his usual mechanic..haha he even ventured to lower the car and add a turbo ...I stopped at that...this is anyway still a family car:)

So anyway, now the humble Odyssey have some semblance to a yuppie car...I wouldnt get comments like "Where's ya own come driving ya dad's car?"

Woo HOO!!

Enough of self glorification. I apologise for the cocky strain .. haha I need to give myself a self congratulation!

Here's to higher glory..!

Signing out. :)


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