Monday, October 30, 2006

Ong Saleh Dah Vader Din Din!

Ok, the round starts..

Oracle Corporation (Public, NASDAQ:ORCL) - Add to Portfolio - Discuss ORCL


10 cents above my expected price...waiting for it to dip...I sold off at 18.26.. give this a 3 year horizon....I believe this baby can rock.

Incidentally, if I had bought USD 10k ORCL shares in 1986, I will be a USD4 millionaire's really amazing isn't it.

The China thing is more difficult...when I am in Beijing..I will do more local survey... I will think infrastructure stocks will still do well as the country is big and they are still expanding. If we hit jackpot, this will surely be the fastest ticket to Financial Freedom.

Ok...meantime, let's pray ORCL dip below 18 tonight.


Friday, October 27, 2006


There can only be so much one get reap from mere savings. Even FD just mitigate the inflation well as safeguard any unforeseen circumstances.

I bought a PaySafe insurance as one of my flexibenefits recently - this will ensures 75% of my last drawn if I suddenly cannot work. This latest safeguard frees up some worries and since we are already well covered in other safe equities like FD and bonds, I think it is time we venture into the "DArK" side :P

Briefly, I analyzed a Orchard studio for rental returns... based on Buffet's Forum advice ..dropped it almost overnight.

For a start, I will use a test sum of USD 10k to invest - and track my returns in this blog from now.

I am a rookie investor and hopefully this exercise will lead to passive income to sustain me and Wabe when we are retired and Yang is working.

For a start, I have decided USD5k to be put into a tech stock for Oracle.

Another USD 5K will be invested in a China company ( currently still researching).

Debt side, the stupid car loan sticks out like a sore thumb - a painful reminder of stupidity extreme in days of yore. The only consolation is we will ride out the stupid remaining years...sigh.

On brighter note, house loan should be cleared in 5 years or less.

Overall, the battle plan looks fine. Wabe will be the sanity check for all of us in case *ME* goes crazy again:)

Here's to financial freedom.



There can only be so much one get reap from mere savings. Even FD just mitigate the inflation well as safeguard any unforeseen circumstances.

I bought a PaySafe insurance as one of my flexibenefits recently - this will ensures 75% of my last drawn if I suddenly cannot work. This latest safeguard frees up some worries and since we are already well covered in other safe equities like FD and bonds, I think it is time we venture into the "DArK" side :P

Briefly, I analyzed a Orchard studio for rental returns... based on Buffet's Forum advice ..dropped it almost overnight.

For a start, I will use a test sum of USD 10k to invest - and track my returns in this blog from now.

I am a rookie investor and hopefully this exercise will lead to passive income to sustain me and Wabe when we are retired and Yang is working.

For a start, I have decided USD5k to be put into a tech stock for Oracle.

Another USD 5K will be invested in a China company ( currently still researching).

Debt side, the stupid car loan sticks out like a sore thumb - a painful reminder of stupidity extreme in days of yore. The only consolation is we will ride out the stupid remaining years...sigh.

On brighter note, house loan should be cleared in 5 years or less.

Overall, the battle plan looks fine. Wabe will be the sanity check for all of us in case *ME* goes crazy again:)

Here's to financial freedom.


Sunday, October 22, 2006


I was mildly surprised whem my 2nd uncle in law mentioned that he did not make much from his flat - they have bought less like 20 years ago?
Granted prices are still pits now...but then I realized he was talking about opportunity cost!
You lose interest in your CPF when you use it to supplement the housing installments..
Therefore the actual gains ...might not be as hefty as you think.

This is a good lesson.

Despite all the negative images tagged to a thrifty person, I believe this behavior augurs well for the family and I believe and is glad that my 2nd uncle in law family will be the most secured financially moving into the future.

Which then spark off another argument: We will need to enjoy as we do not know when we will die....

I guess this is because we are all in this world for a different purpose.

Why do men of great standing like Dr Tony Tan stood for public service when he could well earn much much more in private? I believe we are all imbued with different values - we have a purpose to fulfill in this world and we are made to ease into the role.

I belong to a segment that believes in the Reward / Effort ratio which Wabe is strongly against. :)

Simply put, any effort I put into a job will need to have a big reward...i.e if Reward value is high and Effort value is low, then Reward/Effort will definitely be high!

Not exactly a very moral guiding principle for life but like I said, we are all born differently.:)

HOWEVER, I think it would be very unwise if I were to not make any disclaimer to this idea. Make no mistake, the Reward/Effort is's just a ratio..we are not talking absolute values it is not as if you can reap much for no work coz.... 10000000000/0 has no value (IT's not infinity, smartass).
So hard work is still needed. Then we can talk about Rewards :)


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

New Wheels

I went to meet Justin from Poh Heng. He is as legendary as they claim...very helpful

Traded in my 17 inch and get a new used 18 inch with Federal 595..very noisy as they are performance tyres...will wait till next year then change back to Aspect db.

Damn fierce man the rims..heh heh

Will post more pics next time.


Saturday, October 14, 2006

Tarot Cards & New Skin

I changed my blogskin today... jesus christ I sound like a teenager...which 35 year old dude still blogs..(please excuse commercials like mrbrown..).

But here you have it... the new non nonsense blogskin.

I read the last few entries and I must say, the standard of my writings had been deplorable recently. I guessed I was too eager to show off my new "toys" etc that ... my thoughts overrunneth my speed of typing (this stupid ergonomic keyboard sucks big time btw...). Anyway I realised that the wit or if there was ever one was missing. I need to refocus man..:)

Went to a tarot card reading today in Maxell House with Zi Lin, Yang, mum-in-law, 5/3 aunties. Heck...I think I did that kinda stuff before..before my then pastor stormed my house to clear my amulets...books etc to burn in church. I remembered telling Lawrence that I can't meet him to play tennis because my pastor was exorcising me.. he was like "What the fuck ..your excuses are getting very kua zhang". I said "My pastor is doing qu mo for me.." He said "Qu ni ma de mo lar..." and hang up. heh heh

But this was indeed the truth - they struck the buddhist amulet I bought from a thai monk for 150 bucks with a hammer and burn it..
On hindsight, I could have sold it off in the bbs (no ebay in those days). They keep pressing my forehead and saying "In the Name of Jesus , get out"..
Actually, for a moment I thought they were talking to me..and tried to get up..then the 2nd priest muttered "Not you , idiot".
I felt very stupid then.

Sigh...I think they were expecting me to ..what you call..ah yes manifest...gutteral voices etc and strength of 10 men etc...they got 3 other guys to standby.

I just asked them after a while.."Finish already or not?"

They did not comprehend as ...perhaps I wasn't too grammatically I repeated "Are we done with the exorcism?"

They asked me if I felt like coughing..I said i did...I coughed once.

"YES! this is it..they have been expelled with that cough"....intoned the pastor seriously.

I was like.." can I go back now?"

Man....very exciting times...I was told some people will vomit green stuff ..actually...from a scientific perspective, I think they had bronchitis and green phlegm..

Anyway, I am glad to be back on my sarcastic self:)

Signing off..


Thursday, October 12, 2006

New Job Day

It's been almost a week in my new job. Pretty slow compared to my days in Oracle..
I was told to be "less" on the ball ... don't rock the boat, the ball? Blokes really have it real easy as end users..haha .. no wonder I worked my ass off as a vendor previously.

I keep getting good news... we get several hundreds a day if we travel (!!?) ... they give us thousands each year to buy insurance!?!? this is getting fun man...

I still feel like in a dream.....

God...I need to buy a NEW golf set liao.....heh heh

PS: If this is a dream, God don't let me wake up!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Last Day In Oracle

Today is my last day in Oracle.

It's been almost 2 years since I joined as a TAM... strangely I do not feel anything...perhaps our nature of job made us so detached from the company as an entity.. it did not matter to me and thus did not have any emotional impact.

Incidentally, one of Siebel's last remaining VP has resigned hey..I shared in his exit:)

Anyway, the new load of options just got vested TODAY...and I immediately exercised them away ..heh heh...some more pocket's begining to look like the dot com days...

With that, my last assets with Oracle are transacted...I doubt I will come back again... so here's a final farewell...hope the product will grow and thus enhanced my skills value..:P


Monday, October 02, 2006


I managed to finally mastered my 3 woods...

This is one good bargain James Kong gave me... heh heh I think it was 99 bucks for this superb piece of Joy product.I think it cost 400 in its first entry.

And no wonder...the sweet ping of the contact is exhilarating..and the distance...beyond 180...this is simply too good..

I got so worked up..I went to buy a new golf bag...this Mizuno compact bag which weighs only 1.5 kg and looks really good...

I wonder if I have the time to continue this after I start my new work...hopefully..

Yang is sick for the last 2 days but he was still quite energetic ..this is probably a virus and Wabe is still working...this arrangement is not very comfy..sigh...

Hopefully, things will get settled down soon.

Lawrence is just begining to get used to being a father...I think he is scared shitless...heh heh

Come Saturday he was planning a golf trip with me...OMG~!! I think I will wait to see if Jolene kills him or not first..heh heh

Ok time to go..I am looking for a Callaway set ...heh heh..

Hmm... this feeling is very good..when I was young...I always do not have what I want cool toys like Ninetedo..control cars...
Hmm...think I better stick to my thrify always it is not what you earn but what you save..
