Sunday, October 22, 2006


I was mildly surprised whem my 2nd uncle in law mentioned that he did not make much from his flat - they have bought less like 20 years ago?
Granted prices are still pits now...but then I realized he was talking about opportunity cost!
You lose interest in your CPF when you use it to supplement the housing installments..
Therefore the actual gains ...might not be as hefty as you think.

This is a good lesson.

Despite all the negative images tagged to a thrifty person, I believe this behavior augurs well for the family and I believe and is glad that my 2nd uncle in law family will be the most secured financially moving into the future.

Which then spark off another argument: We will need to enjoy as we do not know when we will die....

I guess this is because we are all in this world for a different purpose.

Why do men of great standing like Dr Tony Tan stood for public service when he could well earn much much more in private? I believe we are all imbued with different values - we have a purpose to fulfill in this world and we are made to ease into the role.

I belong to a segment that believes in the Reward / Effort ratio which Wabe is strongly against. :)

Simply put, any effort I put into a job will need to have a big reward...i.e if Reward value is high and Effort value is low, then Reward/Effort will definitely be high!

Not exactly a very moral guiding principle for life but like I said, we are all born differently.:)

HOWEVER, I think it would be very unwise if I were to not make any disclaimer to this idea. Make no mistake, the Reward/Effort is's just a ratio..we are not talking absolute values it is not as if you can reap much for no work coz.... 10000000000/0 has no value (IT's not infinity, smartass).
So hard work is still needed. Then we can talk about Rewards :)


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