Friday, October 27, 2006


There can only be so much one get reap from mere savings. Even FD just mitigate the inflation well as safeguard any unforeseen circumstances.

I bought a PaySafe insurance as one of my flexibenefits recently - this will ensures 75% of my last drawn if I suddenly cannot work. This latest safeguard frees up some worries and since we are already well covered in other safe equities like FD and bonds, I think it is time we venture into the "DArK" side :P

Briefly, I analyzed a Orchard studio for rental returns... based on Buffet's Forum advice ..dropped it almost overnight.

For a start, I will use a test sum of USD 10k to invest - and track my returns in this blog from now.

I am a rookie investor and hopefully this exercise will lead to passive income to sustain me and Wabe when we are retired and Yang is working.

For a start, I have decided USD5k to be put into a tech stock for Oracle.

Another USD 5K will be invested in a China company ( currently still researching).

Debt side, the stupid car loan sticks out like a sore thumb - a painful reminder of stupidity extreme in days of yore. The only consolation is we will ride out the stupid remaining years...sigh.

On brighter note, house loan should be cleared in 5 years or less.

Overall, the battle plan looks fine. Wabe will be the sanity check for all of us in case *ME* goes crazy again:)

Here's to financial freedom.


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