Saturday, April 15, 2006

JB Trip


Jolly good trip to JB with Wabe and Yang.

Fantastic sales in Jusco - bought loads....contributing to the Malaysia economy - Yang contributing to Japan as well since he bought so many Ultraman stuffs!

Bought some VCD on Buddhism - I guess Yang is tuning in to this - I will let him learn and choose - if he is like me, he will probaby explore a dozen paths and yet remain doubtful..heh heh

Watch the first wasn't focussing on Buddha attaining Nirvana...none of the giant cobra shielding him from rain etc - it did not emphasized on his fruitless search amongst the asetics and his realization of the Middle Path. I would thought that would be an important point.

But the gory details were there...very surreal ... like watching Haw Par in movie.

The similarities were uncanny.

Buddha's temptation under the bodhi tree vs Christ's temptation in the desert.

The old woman's single lamp vs the beggar woman in the bible who gave 2 copper coins.

One more thing I thought why Buddhism did not take off in India was probably Buddha rejected the caste systems.

I guess the passing of Buddha in the last scene left me thinking of the great difference in both religion.

It is written that Christ has risen from the dead. Buddha was cremated and his ashes divided among the disciples.

Do you ever wonder how ants think? Would they comprehend 1+1?

Or let's say a monkey...

If you see one insisting that 1+1 = 2 and another saying are wrong is 3-1=2...would you laugh ?


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