Thursday, March 30, 2006

Johnny Zhng Your Car 7

Election Jokes?

Haha....Johnny is back with his hilarious dig at the coming elections.

Political sattire at its best :)

Go Johnny Go Go Go!!!

Turbo GRC - the best pun......hahaha....see if you can catch the joke.

Lightning sticker....hahha....


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Growing Pains

Growing Up

Today Yang graduated to the next step in "I Can Read"... we actually had a conversation in English the whole journey to the class - which is pretty amazing. His new coach is an ex principal of a Canadian school - Wabe said his ENUNCIATION is pretty ok - I hope that means it is easier for Yang to understand him. My worries are unfounded :) Yang told me Teacher Bob asked him how many pages of homework he wants..Yang said Just One...but Bob gave him 3 pages anyway. This guy is a comedian :P

Hey in the midst of all, I forgot to update - I have lost 6 kgs to-date....quite bloody amazing...this Reductil thing.

More to come - onward the healthy plan...although Wabe has slowly gained back some of the 8kg she lost...this is so demoralizing...I kept asking her to stop and what did I find? she gorging on french fries after a buffer Korean dinner....tsk. Hope she can find the determination for her work to apply to her diet - I think the whole priorities are all messed up.

Hmm...we were just talking about when Yang grows up..hmmm never never let the sands of time flow too fast you forgot to notice your child is getting taller everyday.


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Si Bei Sian AR!

Going again

I hate myself for making the "tomorrow going you know" wisecrack.

I am going again......not to the cruise ...but Bangalore.

Sibei Sian AR!!!


Saturday, March 25, 2006


A Man's Cave

Sometimes, a man doesn't have to have a reason for keeping quiet.

It just happen to us sometimes.

We just plain do not want to communicate - we are battling our inner demons. No amount of sarcasm can incite us to do otherwise.

We are in our caves...brooding.

In the days of yore, cavemen are pretty much left alone when they are in this state - they are luckier in those days.

Bagging a game is sufficient duty due to his role.

We urban city dudes have it harder - tis not supposed to be the way. We have upset the entire balance.

I guess I want to say, I do not want to feel guilty for the occasional foray into my own domain.

Hmm... usually in the fantasy stories, the most lethal combination is a warrior and a magician (mage) team. They have complementing skills to defeat their foes. However, if the warrior wants to cast spells also, it upsets the balance. The mage will - might slouch.

Tis the nature of things.

As Jesus said, "Let he who has ears, let him hear".

I rest my case.


Friday, March 24, 2006

Army Daze

Just watched Army Daze.

It was a good show - certainly brings back many memories. Suddenly faces from long ago came back to my mind...the Tekong island...grubbly food...sun...dust...

More importantly, the bond between the platoon people - so much you know there's always a helping hand to adjust ya help you take share the instant coffee packet amongst 4 of us..etc.

I wonder where those jokers are now anyway?

sigh...guess I am too sentimental ... these thoughts make me feel kinda sad - they are in another dimension in another time where I can no longer go to but can only relive in dreams.

Oh hey, did I mention the tatami makeover is almost complete save for a slight piece for replacement?

I will upload the pics once they are ready. The sliding windows - we found a less than 100 dollars version of the glass design compared to the 3000 dollars version :) This is simply marvellous!




Today finally the 12 Zodiac VCD is released!

Yang is thrilled to bits! We just finished the show - he is over the moon as the dragon is the one who saved the animals and do not care for being Number 1.

Therein lies a lesson. They used to say "It's not about winning.."

I used to believe that.

But if it is not about winning....why call it a race?

I think I must impress upon Yang that whilst sportsmanship is important - one should never lose sight of the goal - that is to be the best.

M. Ali - considered the best boxer through the ages once said "If you want to be a champion, you must believe you are the best"


I hope this value system is helpful to him later on in life.


PS: some institution still claim their best is yet to sad :)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Customer Facing

I feel really driven these days - perhaps Wabe has taken a slower pace and I feel less guilty about doing more in my work as I felt Yang has her attention.

There's no such thing as work life balance - it's a myth perpetuated by workaholics who want to soothe their consciences or lazy bums who wants an excuse to idle.

I don't mind working hard. If it be I am still a single - I'd be practically working 15 hours days and enjoying every minute of it. The truth is I enjoy my current work but I think in the grand scheme of things, some things you just need to make a decision on and making my family a priority has always been my number goal.

Talking about customers - they are the focus of my work - me being in a relationship role.

Sometimes, I feel so lousy having to compromise my principles to pander to some people who .. typically I wouldn't give no hoot about.

Morally....Intellectually...they stank like putrid garbage.

The company motto : "It's all about the customer."

So I stand up to the challenge and act like the professional I am paid to be.


Make merry.

And then while driving back, I removed the smiling mask and ponder on the irony of it all.

You must understand - smiling might just pay the bills.

Reality bites.


Saturday, March 18, 2006

Meaning of Life


Wabe just mentioned to me that I am in a daze recently and did not respond well to her questions.

Well, I always thought I was like that :) Too often lost in imaginary World Of Warcraft games.. But I suddenly realized I had been too involved with work matters recently. Ever since the merge, the pressure has intensified - to put it in words of Warcraft, it would seem your monsters has suddenly increased in their levels and you have dropped your best armor.

So I got to thinking .. what's the meaning of life?

Why are we working like dogs only to crumble to dust in the end?

Why procreate if the end is still death?

Suddenly, I got a revelation - if all roads lead to Rome, would you walk the flower laced road or the rocky road?

It's a bit neurotic I know but I do go on these manic daydreams once in a while - helps to bring the perspective back in life...

See .. I was thinking all matter are made of the same particles - at the atomic level....we are what we are ...because of the different kinds of bondings - covalent bond and what have you..

Now we know electrons jump in and out as they lose technically we lost a wee part of ourselves to the universe and gain a wee part of the universe every single blooming nanosecond!

Scary isn't it?

Makes you want to kiss the stone u see on the street next might have parts of you:)

So anyway, back to reality - no matter how much the theory makes sense...aint no way those crisp dollar notes gonna materialize due to the electrons movement...heh heh

Chou Kang Lar!!


Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Tsk tsk

I just want to lament the people of Singapore - why be so KS??

When I was young, they told me I did not go to Swim school - no Marlin, Shark, Killer Whale ? I joined ACJC school water polo team....

When I was young, they said you didn't go phonics....your ENUNCIATION big deal...I topped my GP in my nerd class..

When I was young and had no money to buy a computer, they laughed at my computer literacy - so? I specializes in stuff they probably didn't dream of...

Am I gloating ?

No - it's just ... I dunno...

Anyway Wabe is whining....go to go.

Remember, the story of the hare and the tortise.(?)

Monday, March 13, 2006


Forgive me


I commited a sin so vile.

I broke my promise against racial jokes..

I did not mean it that way - all in good fun.

Call me a Chink - it makes us even and ease my karmic conscience :)

Bangalore Trip


I had wanted to lax lyrical on the cruise trip but I found Zi Tong has practically written the entire iternary on her blog - so we shouldn't double our efforts yeah? Except to say, gambing actually brings the realism of statistics to true form. :) Try observing the pattern in a Big/Small game - you then realised why in statistic class, they emphasized on the sampling size - haha - I digress - lest I be known as a loony geek.

Ah why don't I regale the tale of the Bangalore trip?

Started when I tried calling a rental company 1 day before my trip in India.

"Yes, tell me" intoned the agency boss.

"Yes, is this XXX rental?"

"Tell me..Tell me.."

*Thinking* "Tell what you !#@$@$@#"

Much later....we resolved the differences between English spoken in 2 ex British colony.

"And your good name, sir?" (another thing, everyone has a good name there)

"The honourable Ang..."

And it went downhill again from here...

Morning - stupid ..... delayed by 1.5 hours.

The airline was reeking of stale urine and there had to be air freshener burst every 15 minutes.

Was it all that bad?

Well, actually it turned out better than expected. The people are invariably friendier - perhaps this is what we termed Asian hospitality.

Looking at the blooming buildings and all, it is a marvel - truly the opportunities are back in the East - you can literally sense this other giant awakening besides China and it is awesome...scary.

With that, it's time to go sleep.

Thursday, March 02, 2006



Tonight going you know? :) BRAAABAAABAAA...Holiday time!

This morning had a superb pitch - a good start.

BTW, just read Oracle is 3rd largest ..not 2nd anymore...omigod...Google is that big that fast....

Signing out,


Whatever will be will be..

It has been a while since I last penned my thoughts but hell, the world doesn't wait for this blogger... So many things have happened..I doubt if anyone can ever keep up with this relentless tide.

First thing - the passing of our founding father, Mr Rajaranam. I find it so ironical that one only begins to know the greatness of a person ONLY after the passing. The clips showed how he reached out to the man in the street - using simple words to bring out the impact of his words.
"Regardless of race, language or religion". How many time have we recite that in our school days - and yet paying scant attention to the importance of the words.

Have we achieved this multiracialism? I wonder....

Henceforth, for my small part as a citizen, I resolve never to make small jokes about nationalities and race - one small part of what a single citizen can do to help :)

Next, Wabe is still mired in all her work - and getting stressed.... She is always in a perpetual frown ...sigh
This is why when she suggest a cruise this weekend, I was more than happy to oblige - it will be a welcome break and it's high time the 3 of us bond w/o the loom of office work! :)

Tatami! The platform is done and waiting for the tatami next week ! YEAH!!! Funny, I think once we decided to not purchase a private property, we go all the way out to "khng" our house with multiple luxuries.. I think I should call it "Wabe Khng Your House" ... heh heh

Next week I will be travelling to Bangalore for 2 days. The days of my Singapore playground is ending ...welcome to the region...BUT I thought can start with KL right?! Sigh

Ok ... signing out....